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Enable Historical Audit and Configure Months

Only available to select accounts with Snowflake integrations.

Requirement: Immuta permission APPLICATION_ADMIN

Ensure current tags are correct.

The historical audit will use the current tags applied, and apply those to the audit information that is pulled in. This historical audit data cannot be changed after, so ensure the current tags are correct before pulling in the historical audit. For more information see the historical audit section of the Detect overview page.

Enable historical audit for the first time

  1. Click the App Settings icon in the left sidebar.
  2. Scroll to the Integration Settings section and click the down arrow next to the Snowflake integration you want to configure historical audit for.
  3. Ensure that the Enable Native Query Audit checkbox is checked.
  4. Click the Historical Ingestion Months dropdown menu to set the number of months of historical data you want pulled into Immuta. The default is 3 months.
  5. If you have multiple Snowflake integrations, use the steps above to configure the months for their historical ingestion at this time.
  6. Click Save and click Confirm.
  7. Consult your Immuta representative to turn on the historical audit job in the background to pull in the historical data for the number of months you specified.

Pull in additional months of historical audit

  1. Consult your Immuta representative to turn off the historical audit job in the background.
  2. Click the App Settings icon in the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll to the Integration Settings section and click the down arrow next to the Snowflake integration you want to configure historical audit for.
  4. Ensure that the Enable Native Query Audit checkbox is checked.
  5. Click the Historical Ingestion Months dropdown menu to set the number of months of historical data you want pulled into Immuta. This is the number of additional months to draw in.

    For example, if you initially pulled in 3 months of historical data, and now set the dropdown to 4 months, Immuta will pull in 4 additional months of historical audit for a total of 7 months of historical data.

  6. If you have multiple Snowflake integrations, use the steps above to configure the months for their historical ingestion at this time.

  7. Click Save and click Confirm.
  8. Consult your Immuta representative to turn on the historical audit job in the background to pull in the historical data for the number of months you specified.