Deprecation notice
Support for this integration has been deprecated. Use the Starburst (Trino) v2.0 integration instead.
See the Starburst (Trino) Pre-Configuration Details page.
Click a link below to navigate to a tutorial for your Starburst (Trino) integration.
See the Starburst (Trino) Integration v2.0 Pre-Configuration Details page.
Click a link below to navigate to a tutorial for your Starburst (Trino) integration.
Deprecation notice
Support for this integration has been deprecated. Use the Starburst (Trino) v2.0 integration instead.
Starburst: A valid Starburst Enterprise license
The Starburst (Trino) integration supports the following authentication methods to create data sources in Immuta:
Username and password: You can authenticate with your Starburst (Trino) username and password.
OAuth 2.0: You can authenticate with OAuth 2.0. Immuta's OAuth authentication method uses the Client Credentials Flow; when you register a data source, Immuta reaches out to your OAuth server to generate a JSON web token (JWT) and then passes that token to the Starburst (Trino) cluster.
Configure JWT authentication method in Starburst (Trino)
When using OAuth authentication to create data sources in Immuta, configure your Starburst (Trino) cluster to use JWT authentication, not OpenID Connect or OAuth.
When users query a Starburst (Trino) data source, Immuta sends a username with the view SQL so that policies apply in the right context. Since OAuth authentication does not require a username to be associated with a data source upon data source creation, Immuta does not send a username and Starburst (Trino) queries fail. To avoid this error, you must configure a global admin username.
If you are using OAuth or asynchronous authentication to create Starburst (Trino) data sources, see the Starburst (Trino) configuration guide to set the globalAdminUsername
property in the advanced configuration section of the Immuta app settings page.
The Starburst (Trino) integration cannot ingest tags from Trino or Starburst, but you can connect any of these supported external catalogs to work with your integration.
Native impersonation allows users to natively query data as another Immuta user. To enable native user impersonation, see the Integration User Impersonation page.
When the Trino Event Listener is enabled during the installation, Immuta can translate those events into comprehensive audit logs for users with the Immuta AUDIT
permission to view. For more information about what is included in those audit logs, see the Starburst (Trino) Audit Logs page.
You can configure multiple Starburst (Trino) integrations v2.0 with a single Immuta tenant and use them dynamically. Configure the integration once in Immuta to use it in multiple Starburst or Trino clusters. However, consider the following limitations:
Names of catalogs cannot overlap because Immuta cannot distinguish among them.
Only one cluster type is supported: You can connect either Starburst or Trino clusters. These cluster types are not supported together in a single Immuta tenant.
Certain interpolation functions can block the creation of a native view, specifically @interpolatedComparison()
and @iam
Trino supports an optional anonymous (no authentication) access, which is not supported through Immuta because Immuta ties the Trino user account to the Immuta user account to correctly apply policies. If your organization allows anonymous access, you will not be able to use this integration.
Limit your masked joins to columns with matching column types. Starburst truncates the result of the masking expression to conform to the native column type when performing the join, so joining two masked columns with different data types produces invalid results when one of the columns' lengths is less than the length of the masked value.
For example, if the value of a hashed column is 64 characters, joining a hashed varchar(50) and a hashed varchar(255) column will not be joined correctly, since the varchar(50) value is truncated and doesn’t match the varchar(255) value.
This page describes the design, policy enforcement, and data flow of the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0.
After reading this page, see the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 pre-configuration details for information about features and requirements before you enable the integration.
The Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 allows you to access policy-enforced data directly in your Starburst catalogs without rewriting queries or changing workflows. Instead of generating policy-enforced views and adding them to an Immuta catalog that users have to query (like in the legacy Starburst (Trino) integration), Immuta policies are translated into Starburst (Trino) rules and permissions and applied directly to tables within users’ existing catalogs.
Once an Immuta Application Admin configures the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0, the ImmutaSystemAccessControl plugin is installed on the coordinator. This plugin provides policy decisions to the Trino Execution Engine whenever an Immuta user queries a Starburst (Trino) table registered in Immuta. Then, the Trino Execution Engine applies policies to the backing catalogs and retrieves the data with appropriate policy enforcement.
By default, this integration is designed to be minimally invasive: if a catalog is not registered as an Immuta data source, users will still have access to it in Starburst. However, this limited enforcement can be changed in the configuration file provided by Immuta. Additionally, you can continue to use Trino's file-based access control provider or Starburst (Trino) built-in access control system on catalogs that are not protected or controlled by Immuta.
When a user queries a table in Starburst, the Trino Execution Engine reaches out to the Immuta plugin to determine what the user is allowed to see:
masking policies: For each column, Starburst (Trino) requests a view expression from the Immuta plugin. If there is a masking policy on the column, the Immuta plugin returns the corresponding view expression for that column. Otherwise, nothing is returned.
row-level policies: For each table, Starburst (Trino) requests the rows a user can see in a table from Immuta. If there is a WHERE clause policy on the data source, Immuta returns the corresponding view expression as a WHERE clause. Otherwise, nothing is returned.
The Immuta plugin then requests policy information about the tables being queried from the Immuta Web Service and sends this information to the Trino Execution Engine. Finally, the Trino Execution Engine constructs the SQL statement, executes it on the backing tables to apply the policies, and returns the response to the user.
Users cannot bypass Immuta controls
Users cannot bypass Immuta controls by changing roles in their system access control provider.
Multiple system access control providers can be configured in the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0. This approach allows Immuta to work with existing Starburst (Trino) installations that already have an access control provider configured.
Immuta does not manage all permissions in Starburst (Trino) and will default to allowing access to anything Immuta does not manage so that the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 complements existing controls. For example, if the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 is configured to allow users write access to tables that are not protected by Immuta, you can still lock down write access for specific non-Immuta tables using an additional access control provider.
If you have multiple access control providers configured, those providers interact in the following ways:
For a user to have access to a resource (catalog, schema, or a table), that user must have access in all of the configured access control providers.
In catalog, schema, or table filtering (such as show catalogs
, show schemas
, or show tables
), the user will see the intersection of all access control providers. For example, if a Starburst (Trino) environment includes the catalogs public
, demo
, and restricted
and one provider restricts a user from accessing the restricted
catalog and another provider restricts the user from accessing the demo
catalog, running show catalogs
will only return the public
catalog for that user.
Only one column masking policy can be applied per column across all system access control providers. If two or more access control providers return a mask for a column, Starburst (Trino) will throw an error at query time.
For row filtering policies, the expression for each system access control provider is applied one after the other.
See the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 configuration page for instructions on configuring multiple access control providers.
Starburst (Trino) query passthrough is available in most connectors using the query
table function or raw_query
in the Elasticsearch connector. Consequently, Immuta blocks functions named raw_query
or query
, as those table functions would completely bypass Immuta’s access controls.
For example, without blocking those functions, this query would access the public.customer
table directly:
select * from table(postgres.system.query(query => 'select * from public.customer limit 10'));
You can add or remove functions that are blocked by Immuta in the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 configuration file. See the Starburst (Trino) integration v2.0 configuration page for instructions.
An Immuta Application Administrator configures the Starburst (Trino) integration, adding the ImmutaSystemAccessControl plugin on their Starburst (Trino) node.
A data owner registers Starburst (Trino) tables in Immuta as data sources. A data owner, data governor, or administrator creates or changes a policy or user in Immuta.
Data source metadata, tags, user metadata, and policy definitions are stored in Immuta's Metadata Database.
A Starburst (Trino) user who is subscribed to the data source in Immuta queries the corresponding table directly in their Starburst catalog.
The Trino Execution Engine calls various methods on the interface to ask the ImmutaSystemAccessControl plugin where the policies should be applied. The masking and row-level security methods apply the actual policy expressions.
The Immuta System Access Control plugin calls the Immuta Web Service to retrieve policy information for that data source for the querying user, using the querying user's project, purpose, and entitlements.
The Immuta System Access Control plugin provides the SQL view expression (for masked columns) or WHERE clause SQL view expression (for row filtering) to the Trino Execution Engine.
The Trino Execution Engine constructs and executes the SQL statement on the backing catalogs and retrieves the data with appropriate policy enforcement.
User sees policy-enforced data.
Deprecation notice
Support for this integration has been deprecated. Use the instead.
Starburst and Trino
is based on open-source . Because Immuta integrates with both cluster types, our documentation refers to this integration throughout as Starburst (Trino).
Immuta connects to Starburst (Trino) as a plugin integration. This allows Immuta to apply policies directly in Starburst (Trino) without data flowing through a proxy. Users can work with their existing tools (querying, reporting, etc.) and have per-user policies applied into views at query time.
Once the , administrators create an immuta
catalog that is managed by the custom Immuta Trino connector that generates the list of available schemas and views at query time based on the user making the request. When a user executes a query against one of the Immuta views, the connector dynamically generates the view definition and provides that to the Trino execution engine, which then connects to the backing catalogs and retrieves the data with appropriate policy enforcement.
This integration uses an immuta-trino
plugin to create policy-enforced view definitions that users access through an immuta
catalog. (Note that even though the plugin is named immuta-trino
it works and comes pre-installed with Starburst Enterprise.) When Starburst (Trino) tables are registered in Immuta as data sources, these data sources are dynamically generated as views in the immuta
catalog on the Starburst (Trino) node. Then, users subscribed to those data sources in Immuta query the corresponding protected views in Starburst (Trino).
Changes to policies, user attributes, or data sources registered in Immuta trigger webhooks that keep these views up-to-date, empowering users to query policy-enforced data.
An Immuta Application Administrator , creating an Immuta catalog and connector on their Starburst (Trino) node.
Immuta creates a catalog inside the configured Starburst (Trino) node.
A Data Owner . A Data Owner, Data Governor, or Administrator or user in Immuta.
Data source metadata, tags, user metadata, and policy definitions are stored in Immuta's Metadata Database.
The Immuta connector generates and provides the view definition to the Trino Execution Engine.
A Starburst (Trino) user who is subscribed to the data source in Immuta directly in Starburst (Trino) through the immuta
Using the querying user's project, purpose, and entitlements, Immuta applies policies to the views at query time, so the user sees policy-enforced data.