Edit the immuta-values.yaml file to include the relevant Helm values listed below. Update all placeholder values with your own values.
TLS configuration
TLS must be configured both client-side and server-side. The following Helm values demonstrate connecting to Redis with TLS enabled.
cache:enabled:falsesecure:extraConfig:server:cache:provider:constructor:catbox-redisoptions:host:<redis-fqdn>port:<port># Setting options.tls to an empty dict enables TLS without configuring any other options.tls: {}# Dict representation of TLS config options json-object for package ioredis# https://github.com/redis/ioredis## tls:# ca:# key:# cert:extraEnvVars: - name:IMMUTA_SERVER_CACHE_PROVIDER_OPTIONS_PASSWORDvalueFrom:secretKeyRef:key:IMMUTA_SERVER_CACHE_PROVIDER_OPTIONS_PASSWORDname:immuta-secret