This page provides one possible way to download and package Immuta artifacts for consumption on a separate network with no Internet access.
Install Skopeo
The commands on this page copy the Immuta images from the registry to the local host and export to tarball using skopeo. Install skopeo by following the instructions in the Skopeo GitHub repository.
Authenticate Skopeo to the Immuta registry
Copy the snippet below and replace the placeholder text with the credentials provided by your Immuta representative:
The IMMUTA_LEGACY_IMAGES noted below are only required if the deployment still requires the Immuta query engine or fingerprint service. If not, those legacy images can be omitted.
export IMMUTA_VERSION=2024.2.14
export IMMUTA_IMAGES="audit-service audit-export-cronjob cache classify-service immuta-service"
export IMMUTA_LEGACY_IMAGES="immuta-db immuta-fingerprint"
skopeo copy docker://${image}:${IMMUTA_VERSION} docker-archive://${PWD}/${image}-${IMMUTA_VERSION}.tar;
Pull the Immuta Enterprise Helm chart (IEHC)
Copy the snippet below and replace the placeholder text with the credentials provided by your Immuta representative: