If you have Snowflake low row access policy mode enabled in private preview and have impersonation enabled, see these upgrade instructions. Otherwise, query performance will be negatively affected.
Click the App Settings icon in the navigation menu and scroll to the Global Integration Settings section.
Click the Enable Snowflake Low Row Access Policy Mode checkbox to enable the feature.
Confirm to allow Immuta to automatically disable impersonation for the Snowflake integration. If you do not confirm, you will not be able to enable Snowflake low row access policy mode.
Click Save.
If you already have a Snowflake integration configured, you don't need to reconfigure your integration. Your Snowflake policies automatically refresh when you enable Snowflake low row access policy mode.
Configure your Snowflake integration. Note that you will not be able to enable project workspaces or user impersonation with Snowflake low row access policy mode enabled.
Click Save and Confirm your changes.
This upgrade step is necessary if you meet both of the following criteria:
You have the Snowflake low row access policy mode enabled in private preview.
You have user impersonation enabled.
If you do not meet this criteria, follow the instructions on the configuration guide.
To upgrade to the generally available version of the feature, disable your Snowflake integration on the app settings page and then re-enable it.