Identity managers are used with Immuta to provide authentication and fine-grained user entitlement.
Okta LDAP Interface: Configure Okta with Immuta using LDAP to sync users to Immuta.
OpenID Connect: Get started with OpenID Connect.
Okta with OpenID Connect: Configure Okta with Immuta using OpenID to sync users to Immuta.
OneLogin with OpenID Connect: Configure OneLogin to sync users to Immuta.
SAML: Get started with SAML.
SAML: Configure SAML IAM protocol to sync users to Immuta.
Microsoft Entra ID: Configure Microsoft Entra ID to sync users to Immuta.
Okta SAML SCIM: Configure Okta with Immuta using SAML to sync users to Immuta.
Identity managers overview: This reference guide describes the options, support, and limitations when using IAMs to sync users into Immuta.
SAML SLO reference guide: This reference guide describes the logout processes using SAML 2.0 single logout protocol which allows identity providers to terminate sessions across a user's applications nearly simultaneously with a single logout request.
SAML IAM protocol configuration options: This reference guide lists the configuration options for SAML SLO protocol.
This section includes a general guide for configuring an OpenID provider and guides for specific OpenID providers in Immuta. The getting started section below provides best practices for setup and configuration.
Start by creating a few initial subscription and data policies so that you know the user metadata you will need from your IAM. For example, will user attributes be used to author policies, or will groups also be needed? The subscription and data policies below illustrate the need for both groups and attributes to be imported from the IAM to enforce appropriate access controls:
Subscription policy: Allow all users in the Marketing
group to access data sources tagged Marketing
Data policy: Mask all columns tagged Location
except for users with the attribute AccessLevel.Gold
Validate that your provider is supported by Immuta and supports SCIM. If your provider is not listed or does not support SCIM, reach out to your Immuta representative for guidance.
Configure your OpenID provider in Immuta with SCIM enabled. Guides for specific providers are linked below.
Once your IAM is configured, complete one of the following tasks:
Editing your IAM configuration
With the exception of the IAM ID (also called the display name), any of these settings can be changed after an IAM is configured. To edit IAM settings, click the dropdown arrow next to the IAM listed in the identity management section on the app settings page and then make your changes.
Navigate to the Immuta App Settings page.
Scroll to the Identity Management section and click Add IAM.
Complete the Display Name field and select OpenID from the Identity Provider Type dropdown.
Take note of the ID and copy the SSO Callback URL to use as the ACS URL in your identity provider.
Adjust Default Permissions granted to users by selecting from the list in this dropdown menu.
Enter the Client ID and Client Secret from your identity provider.
Enter the URL of your identity provider's discovery endpoint in the Discover URL field. If you do not provide this URL, you will have to complete the manual endpoint specification fields (authorization endpoint, issuer, token endpoint, etc.).
Opt to add additional Scopes.
Opt to Enable SCIM support for OpenID by clicking the checkbox, which will generate a SCIM API Key. Validate that the usernames in your IAM match those in your data platform (Snowflake, Databricks, etc.). If they are incorrect in the IAM or the casing doesn't match, fix the data platform username in the identity provider before configuring SCIM in Immuta.
In the Profile Schema section, map attributes in OpenID to automatically fill in a user's Immuta profile. Note: Fields that you specify in this schema will not be editable by users within Immuta.
Opt to Allow Identity Provider Initiated Single Sign On to use the IDP-Initiated SSO feature by selecting the checkbox.
Opt to Migrate Users from another IAM by selecting the checkbox.
Click Test Connection and Test User Login.
Save your configuration.
Administrator account in Okta
Immuta's OpenID Connect integration supports the following features
Service Provider (SP)-Initiated Authentication (SSO) Flow
Identity Provider (IDP)-Initiated Authentication (SSO) Flow
Log in to Okta as an Admin, navigate to the Applications tab, and click Add Application.
Search for Immuta in the search bar and click Add.
Choose a name for your integration and click Next. Then select the OpenID Connect button.
Scroll down and enter the Base URL for your Immuta tenant.
Enter the IAM ID for your Immuta OIDC integration (if you have not created an IAM ID, you will complete that step in the next section).
Click Done and once the page reloads, navigate back to the Sign On tab and copy down the Client ID and Client secret.
Attribute matching allows you to determine how to uniquely identify a user in Okta and match that user in Immuta during login and provisioning. Immuta supports the following matching attributes in Okta:
emails[type eq "work"].value
Using any other attribute in Okta as a matching attribute results in an error. See the Okta documentation for details about attribute matching and how to configure it.
Log in to Immuta and click the App Settings icon in the navigation menu.
Click the Add IAM button and enter a Display Name.
Select OpenID from the Identity Provider Type dropdown menu.
If required, navigate back to Okta and enter the IAM ID below the Base URL then complete the steps from the Okta section.
In the Identity Management section of the Immuta console, enter the Client ID and Client Secret you copied from Okta in the previous section.
Enter the following URL in the Discover URL field: https://<your_okta_workspace.com>/.well-known/openid-configuration
Opt to add additional Scopes.
Opt to Enable SCIM support for OpenID by clicking the checkbox, which will generate a SCIM API Key. Validate that the usernames in your IAM match those in your data platform (Snowflake, Databricks, etc.). If they are incorrect in the IAM or the casing doesn't match, fix the data platform username in the identity provider before configuring SCIM in Immuta.
In the Profile Schema section, map attributes in OpenID to automatically fill in a user's Immuta profile. Note: Fields that you specify in this schema will not be editable by users within Immuta.
Opt to Allow Identity Provider Initiated Single Sign On to use the IDP-Initiated SSO feature by selecting the checkbox.
Opt to Migrate Users from another IAM by selecting the checkbox.
Click the Test Connection button.
Once the connection is successful, click the Test User Login button.
Click Save.
Navigate to the App Settings page in the Immuta console and click the Add IAM button.
Complete the Display Name field and select OpenID from the Identity Provider Type dropdown.
Adjust Default Permissions granted to users by selecting from the list in this dropdown menu.
Navigate to OneLogin, click Administration, and then select Applications from the Applications menu.
Click Add App in the top right corner of the screen. Search for and select OpenID Connect (OIDC).
Complete the Display Name field and click Save.
From the Identity and Access Management window in your Immuta tenant, copy the SSO Callback URL to your clipboard.
Return to OneLogin, click the Configuration tab in the left panel, and paste the URL in the Login Url and Redirect URI's fields.
Click Save in the top right corner of this screen.
Click the SSO tab in the left panel of your OneLogin account. Copy the Client ID and the Client Secret and paste these values in the corresponding fields in your Immuta tenant.
Then, right click the Well-known Configuration text from the SSO tab of OneLogin, and copy the link to your clipboard.
Return to your Immuta tenant, and paste this link in the Discover URL field; pasting this link here prevents you from having to manually fill out the rest of the form.
Confirm email as the User ID claim, and fill out the Scopes section.
Return to OneLogin and scroll to the Token Endpoint section. Select POST from the Authentication Method dropdown.
Click Save.
Return to your Immuta console, opt to Enable SSL and Enable SCIM support for OpenID. Validate that the usernames in your IAM match those in your data platform (Snowflake, Databricks, etc.). If they are incorrect in the IAM or the casing doesn't match, fix the data platform username in the identity provider before configuring SCIM in Immuta.
In the Profile Schema section, map attributes in OpenID to automatically fill in a user's Immuta profile. Note: Fields that you specify in this schema will not be editable by users within Immuta.
Opt to Allow Identity Provider Initiated Single Sign On, External Groups and Attributes Endpoint, and Migrate Users.
Click Test Connection. Once the connection is successful, click Test User Login.
Click Save.
This section includes a general guide for configuring a SAML provider and guides for specific SAML providers in Immuta. The getting started section below provides best practices for setup and configuration.
Start by creating a few initial subscription and data policies so that you know the user metadata you will need from your IAM. For example, will user attributes be used to author policies, or will groups also be needed? The subscription and data policies below illustrate the need for both groups and attributes to be imported from the IAM to enforce appropriate access controls:
Subscription policy: Allow all users in the Marketing
group to access data sources tagged Marketing
Data policy: Mask all columns tagged Location
except for users with the attribute AccessLevel.Gold
Validate that your provider is supported by Immuta and supports SCIM. If your provider is not listed or does not support SCIM, reach out to your Immuta representative for guidance.
Configure your SAML provider in Immuta with SCIM enabled. Guides for specific providers are linked below.
Once your IAM is configured, complete one of the following tasks:
An Immuta SaaS tenant is required to use Immuta's SCIM 2.0 feature.
Users have to be an administrator in Okta to edit or add applications.
The following Okta provisioning features are supported by Immuta:
Import Users from Okta: Okta users who had previously been assigned to an Okta application can be imported to your Immuta tenant.
Push users to Immuta: Okta users who are assigned to the Immuta application in Okta are automatically added as members to your Immuta tenant.
Deactivate users in Immuta: Okta users who are unassigned from the Immuta application in Okta or are deleted or deactivated from Okta are automatically deactivated in your Immuta tenant.
Push groups to Immuta: Groups and their members in Okta can be pushed to your Immuta tenant.
Remove groups from Immuta: Groups in Okta are removed from your Immuta tenant when they are no longer mapped to your Immuta application in Okta.
Map user attributes from Okta to Immuta: You can map user attributes between Okta and your Immuta tenant. The mapping will remain synced by detecting profile changes in Okta.
Log in to your Okta instance and click Applications in the menu in the left pane.
Click Browse App Catalog, and then search for and select Immuta.
Click Add.
In General Settings, opt to change the Application label. Then, click Next.
Click View Setup Instructions and complete the tutorial to configure the IAM in Immuta. Note: You will complete all steps outlined for the Immuta App Settings page except Test User Login. You cannot test the login or save the IAM configuration in Immuta until you have added yourself as a user to the application in Okta. These steps are outlined in the next section.
In the Okta console under Advanced Sign-on Settings, fill in the following fields.
Base URL (typically your Immuta tenant URL)
IAM ID (found on the Immuta App Settings page)
Click Done.
Attribute matching allows you to determine how to uniquely identify a user in Okta and match that user in Immuta at login and during provisioning. Immuta supports the following matching attributes in Okta:
emails[type eq "work"].value
Click the Assignments tab.
Click Assign and then Assign to People.