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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2023.3.

For the latest version, view our documentation for Immuta SaaS or the latest self-hosted version.

Configure Native Schema Monitoring

The schema monitoring feature will continually update Immuta data sources with new or changed tables and columns in your data environment. To learn more about the uses and architecture, see the Native schema monitoring for Snowflake section.

Configure the time between schema jobs

Schema monitoring jobs to update Immuta with any changes to tables will automatically run every 24 hours. To change the schema job to run more or less often,

  1. Navigate to the App Settings page and scroll down to the Advanced Configuration.
  2. Copy and paste this YAML into the text box:

      schemaEvolutionCheck: `your-new-frequency`

    Replace your-new-frequency with the time you would like between schema jobs. For example, use */30 * * * * for the queries to run every 30 minutes.

  3. Click Save.

Configure the time between column detection jobs

Column detection jobs to update Immuta with any changes to columns will automatically run every 24 hours. To change the column detection job to run more or less often,

  1. Navigate to the App Settings page and scroll down to the Advanced Configuration.
  2. Copy and paste this YAML into the text box:

      columnEvolutionCheck: `your-new-frequency`

    Replace your-new-frequency with the time you would like between schema jobs. For example, use */30 * * * * for the queries to run every 30 minutes.

  3. Click Save.