Audit pod is restarting with "prisma migrations..." related errors on fresh installation

On a fresh installation of Immuta using IEHC the Audit pod will restart on its own every 4 minutes, reviewing the logs the error will look something similar to the following:

{"level":"info","time":1736951362309,"pid":17,"hostname":"immuta-audit-8888b54d7-bqgfp","name":"Immuta","code_owners":"detect","tenantId":"immuta-self-managed","err":{"type":"Error","message":"Command failed: npx prisma migrate deploy\nError: P3009\n\nmigrate found failed migrations in the target database, new migrations will not be applied. Read more about how to resolve migration issues in a production database: 20220513172304_initial_migration migration started at 2025-01-15 14:24:03.503403 UTC failed

When configuring the external Azure database run this command after the bometa/ immuta user is created:

GRANT azure_pg_admin TO immuta;

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