It is possible to deploy Immuta without the use of cloud provided managed services by using enterprise-ready tools for kubernetes.
This article describes deploying a PostgreSQL cluster in the Immuta installation namespace and pointing the Immuta application at this cluster for deployment
Crunchy PostgreSQL for Kubernetes
This section relies heavily on Crunchydata's installation documentation guide found at the link below and assumes you have forked and cloned their examples repository.
PG_RELEASE_NAME = immuta-pg
helm install -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} postgres helm/install
Copy helm install ${PG_RELEASE_NAME} -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} helm/postgres -f immuta-pg-values.yaml
Copy PG_CLUSTER_PRIMARY_POD = $( kubectl get pod -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} -o name -l ${PG_RELEASE_NAME} , )
kubectl -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} port-forward "${PG_CLUSTER_PRIMARY_POD}" 5432:5432
export PGHOSTNAME = $( kubectl get secrets -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} "${PG_CLUSTER_USER_SECRET_NAME}" -o go-template= '{{ | base64decode}}' )
export PGPASSWORD = $( kubectl get secrets -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} "${PG_CLUSTER_USER_SECRET_NAME}" -o go-template= '{{.data.password | base64decode}}' )
export PGUSER = $( kubectl get secrets -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} "${PG_CLUSTER_USER_SECRET_NAME}" -o go-template= '{{.data.user | base64decode}}' )
export PGDATABASE = $( kubectl get secrets -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} "${PG_CLUSTER_USER_SECRET_NAME}" -o go-template= '{{.data.dbname | base64decode}}' )
psql -h localhost
Enable pgcrypto and set search path
Copy CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto ;
alter role "immuta-pg" set search_path to bometadata,public ;
Install Immuta with the db information in your environment.
Copy env | grep PG
43:PGDATABASE =immuta-pg
44:PGUSER =immuta-pg
45:PGPASSWORD = ; V <GaAQ+cP(pUT6M<jR2zi^y
46:PGHOSTNAME =immuta-primary.immuta-lts.svc
Copy backups :
pgbackrest :
configuration :
- secret :
name : immuta-pg-pgbackrest-secret
global :
repo1-path : /pgbackrest/immuta/immuta-pg/repo1
repo1-retention-full : "14"
repo1-retention-full-type : time
manual :
options :
- --type=full
repoName : repo1
repos :
- name : repo1
schedules :
full : "0 0 * * *"
s3 :
bucket : immuta-crunchy-backup
endpoint :
region : us-east-1
This config creates a cronjob for taking a nightly backup and allows an adhoc backup via annotation:
Copy kubectl annotate -n ${IMMUTA_NAMESPACE} postgrescluster ${PG_RELEASE_NAME} "$( date )" --overwrite