Where does Immuta put its logs and other logging related files?

When looking to setup a logging strategy/ process for your Immuta application, the following will help explain how to obtain Immuta logs.


Where does Immuta output & store logging information for debugging and storage for auditing or review?


All of our logging is done via standard output from the pods themselves; You can see logs by running a basic kubectl command like the following:

kubectl -n <NAMESPACE> logs <prefix>-immuta-database-0

There are additional outputs that can be gathered from the Query-Engine and Database pods (if running more than 1 replica) that are contained within postgres itself, these can be obtained with the following command(s):

kubectl -n <NAMESPACE> exec -it <prefix>-immuta-database-0 -- patronictl list

But these are used only for when there are specific issues with the database/ Query Engine pods not starting or failing to start and not typically monitored regularly for standard error parsing.

Here are some documented examples to use for parsing through the logs with common messages types with your tool of choice here: https://documentation.immuta.com/2023.2/audit/audit-logs/log-aggregation/#common-message-types

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