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You are viewing documentation for Immuta version 2024.1.

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Create Purposes and Acknowledgement Statements

Audience: Data Governors

Content Summary: Data Governors are responsible for configuring settings and purposes for projects in Immuta. This guide details the process of managing purposes, viewing purpose-based restriction details, and configuring acknowledgement statements.

Additional Tutorials Contents:

  • Customizing Acknowledgement Statements
  • Viewing Purpose-Based Restrictions Details
  • Deleting Purpose-Based Restrictions
  • Manage Purpose Requests

Use Case

Compliance Requirement: Users can only WRITE to specified locations in Dev and share this data with other Dev users.

In addition to creating a project to meet this requirement, the compliance team needs to ensure that Dev data is only being used for specific purposes. To connect purposes to data, the compliance team must create purposes and acknowledgement statements that can be applied to projects and their respective data sources.

1 - Create a Purpose-Based Restriction

  1. Click the Governance icon in the left sidebar, and then click the Purposes tab.
  2. Click the Add Purpose button.
  3. Type in the name of the new purpose in the new empty text box, opt to customize the acknowledgement statement or add a description, and then click Create.

If descriptions are added to purposes, the description will be visible to users when they select the View Details icon when looking at a policy or on the project page.

2 - Create Sub-Purposes

  1. Click the Governance icon in the left sidebar and select the Purposes tab.
  2. Open the dropdown menu and click Edit in the Actions column of the purpose you would like to add sub-purposes to.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click Add Sub-Purposes.
  4. Enter a name in the Enter nested purpose field in the Sub-Purpose Builder.
  5. Click the arrow to the right of the purpose or sub-purpose(s) to continue adding nested purpose fields.
  6. Click Save.

A list of sub-purposes will populate at the bottom of the page. You can manage these sub-purposes by clicking Edit in the Actions column at any time.

Additional Tutorials

Customizing Acknowledgment Statements

  1. Click the Governance icon in the left sidebar and select the Purposes tab.

  2. Open the dropdown menu and click Edit in the Actions column of the purpose you would like to customize.

  3. Click View or Edit above the acknowledgement statement, customize the text, and then click Confirm.

The page displays the updated statement, which now will be used by all projects and purposes. The updated statement will also be used by any new members joining existing projects containing purposes with default statements.

Customizing Acknowledgement Statements for Sub-Purposes

By default, sub-purposes will inherit the acknowledgment statements of their parent purposes.

To customize the acknowledgement statement for an individual sub-purpose,

  1. Click the Governance icon in the left sidebar and select the Purposes tab.
  2. Click Edit in the Actions column of the parent containing the sub-purpose you would like to customize.
  3. In the Sub-Purposes section, click Edit in the Actions column of the sub-purpose you would like to manage.
  4. Customize the Acknowledgement Statement in the dialog that appears, opt to require users to reacknowledge the sub-purpose, and then click Confirm.

Viewing Purpose-Based Restrictions Details

  1. Navigate to the Governance page, and then click the Purposes tab.

  2. A list of all purposes is displayed. To filter the list, enter the name of the purpose in the Filter Purposes By Name text box.

  3. Click a purpose from the results to view its details.

Details about the selected purpose include the date the purpose was created, when it was last modified, and the number of projects that purpose is associated with.

Deleting Purpose-Based Restrictions

  1. Navigate to the Governance page, and then click on the Purposes tab.
  2. Click the dropdown menu icon in the Actions* column of the purpose or sub-purpose you want to delete.
  3. Select Delete, and then click Confirm to approve the deletion.

Any project that contained the deleted purpose will be treated as no longer compliant, so the project's name will display in red on the My Project and Project Overview pages. Project Owners can get details for fixing the issue by hovering their cursor over the project name.

Manage Purpose Requests

  1. Navigate to your user profile page and click the Requests tab.
  2. Approve or deny the purpose request in the Actions column.