Use Query Editor Page

Deprecation notice

Support for this feature has been deprecated.

Run Queries in the Query Editor

The Query Editor allows users to write, modify, and execute queries against data sources they are subscribed to.

Preview Sample Data

  1. Click the Query Editor icon in the left sidebar.

  2. Select a data source in the Tables list.

  3. Click the dropdown menu icon next to the data source and select Preview Sample Data, or click Preview Sample Data in the Table Schema panel.

  4. View data in the Results panel.

    • Filter results by clicking the overflow menu next to the column name.

    • Rearrange and resize columns by clicking and dragging.

    • Run and export full results or export current results to .csv by clicking one of the corresponding download buttons in the top right corner of the table.

Write and Execute Queries

  1. Click the Query Editor icon in the left sidebar.

  2. Write your query in the Query Editor panel.

  3. Execute your query by clicking the Run Query button. Note: Clicking this button will only run the currently highlighted query. Queries (or portions of queries) can be executed by manually highlighting the query (or portion of the query) and clicking Run Query.

  4. View data in the Results panel.

    • Filter results by clicking the overflow menu next to the column name.

    • Rearrange and resize columns by clicking and dragging.

    • Export results to .csv by clicking the download button in the top right corner of the table.

Last updated

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