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Deployment Requirements

Immuta comprises three core services: Secure, Discover, and Detect. These services rely on PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch to store their states. The Immuta Enterprise Helm chart (IEHC) does not include the deployment of PostgreSQL or ElasticSearch, so you must deploy them separately.

%%{ init: { 'flowchart': { 'curve': 'stepBefore' } } }%%
    secureWeb --> pg[(PostgreSQL)]
    secureWorker --> pg

    secureWeb --> cacheDecision
    secureWorker --> cacheDecision

    detectApi --> es[(ElasticSearch)]
    detectApi --> pg

    cacheDecision --> |Built-in?| builtinCache
    cacheDecision -.-> |External?| externalCache

    subgraph ideploy[Immuta Enterprise Helm chart]
      subgraph secure[Secure]
        secureWeb[Secure Web/API]
        secureWorker[Secure Worker]

      subgraph detect[Detect]
        detectApi[Detect API]

      subgraph discover[Discover]
        discoverApi[Discover API]


    %% Add links
    click pg "#metadata-database-postgresql" "PostgreSQL Prerequistes";
    click externalCache "#cache-redismemcached" "Redis/Memcached Prerequistes";
    click es "#elasticsearch" "ElasticSearch Prerequistes";

This page outlines the requirements and recommendations for the Immuta deployment and its dependencies.

Version requirements

Kubernetes versions

Kubernetes distribution Kubernetes versions
Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 1.25 - 1.29
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) 1.27 - 1.29
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 1.26 - 1.29
Red Hat OpenShift 1.25 - 1.29
SUSE Rancher Government (RKE2) 1.25 - 1.29
SUSE K3s - For evaluation purposes only 1.25 - 1.29

Metadata database (PostgreSQL)

PostgreSQL incompatibilities

Immuta is not compatible with PostgreSQL abstraction layers, such as Amazon Aurora.

  • PostgreSQL 15.0 or newer
  • The pgcrypto extension must be enabled


  • ElasticSearch 8.0 or newer
  • OpenSearch 8.0 or newer

Cache (Redis/Memcached)

Built-in cache

The IEHC manages its own Memcached deployment inside the cluster. The key-value cache can optionally be externalized post installation.

  • Redis 7.0 or newer
  • Memcached 1.6 or newer

Infrastructure recommendations

Kubernetes distribution Ingress External metadata database External cache External ElasticSearch
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) AWS Load Balancer Controller Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Amazon ElastiCache for Redis Amazon OpenSearch
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller Azure Database for PostgreSQL Azure Cache for Redis Elastic Cloud on Azure
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) GKE Ingress Controller Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL Memorystore for Redis Elastic Cloud on Google Cloud
Red Hat OpenShift OpenShift Ingress Operator Cloud-managed PostgreSQL1 Cloud-managed Redis2 Cloud-managed ElasticSearch3
SUSE Rancher Government (RKE2) Ingress NGINX Controller Cloud-managed PostgreSQL1 Cloud-managed Redis2 Cloud-managed ElasticSearch3
SUSE K3s - For evaluation purposes only Traefik Cloud-managed PostgreSQL1 Cloud-managed Redis2 Cloud-managed ElasticSearch3

Next step

Follow the Getting started guide to install Immuta.

  1. Cloud-managed PostgreSQL, such as Amazon RDS, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, or Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, is recommended when running Kubernetes in cloud environments. 

  2. Cloud-managed Redis/Memcached, such as Amazon ElastiCache, Azure Cache, or Google Cloud Memorystore, is recommended when running Kubernetes in cloud environments. 

  3. Cloud-managed Elasticsearch, such as Amazon OpenSearch, or Elastic Cloud, is recommended when running Kubernetes in cloud environments.