Data Policy Conflicts

In some cases, two conflicting global data policies may apply to a single data source. When this happens, the policy containing a tag deeper in the hierarchy will apply to the data source to resolve the conflict.

Consider the following global data policies created by a data governor:

Data Policy 1: Mask columns tagged PII by making null for everyone on data sources with columns tagged PII

Data Policy 2: Mask columns tagged PII.SSN using hashing for everyone on data sources with columns tagged PII.SSN

If a Data Owner creates a data source and applies the PII.SSN tag, both of these global data policies will apply. Instead of having a conflict, the policy containing a deeper tag in the hierarchy will apply:

In this example, Data Policy 2 cannot be applied to the data source. If data owners wanted to use Data Policy 2 on the data source instead, they would need to disable Data Policy 1.

Once enabled on a data source, global data policies can be edited and disabled by data owners.

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