Manage Data Products

Private preview: The Marketplace app is available to select accounts. Reach out to your Immuta representative for details.

Data product managers are able to publish and manage data products.

Requirement: Immuta permission GOVERNANCE or Manage Data Product in a domain

Publishing a data product

With the UI

From the Marketplace app,

  1. Click Publish product.

  2. Select the Domain from the dropdown. You will only be able to include data source from this domain in your data product. If you do not see a domain available, create one with at least one data source.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter the following metadata for your new data product:

    • Name of the data product

    • Description of the data product (optional)

    • Enter the subject matter expert (optional). This should be a user that data consumers and stewards can reach out to for any questions about the data product.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Choose if you would like to require approval for access to this data product:

    • Yes: When the user requests access, in addition to acknowledging the data use agreement and answering the required question, they will need to be approved by one of the approvers. Approvers must have the global GOVERNANCE or domain-specific Manage Data Products permission.

    • No: When the user requests access, they will be automatically approved once they acknowledge the data use agreement and answer any question required for access.

  8. Add a data use agreement (optional). You can create a data use agreement yourself or use the default data use agreement. The data use agreement is what the data consumer must agree to when requesting access to your data product.

  9. Click Publish Data Product.

With the API

Ensure you set the correct global segment and use a Marketplace-specific personal access token (PAT) when using the Marketplace API. See the Marketplace API docs for additional guidance or to download the OpenAPI YAML for your own client generation.

Editing data products

Once a data product has been published, many components can be edited from different parts of the data product:

  • Details: Edit the name, description, or subject matter expert

  • Data sources: Add or remove data sources from the data product

  • Request settings: Edit the required approval or the data use agreement

With the UI

From the Marketplace app,

  1. Select the data product.

  2. Navigate to the tab with the information you want to edit.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Make your edits and click Save.

With the API

Ensure you set the correct global segment and use a Marketplace-specific personal access token (PAT) when using the Marketplace API. See the Marketplace API docs for additional guidance or to download the OpenAPI YAML for your own client generation.

Update the request settings

To update the request settings of a data product:

  1. Run POST /api/approval-policy : Use the ID from the response in the next call.

  2. Run PUT/api/data-product/{id} : The ID in the request should be the data product ID and the approval policy ID from the previous call should be included in the payload.

Update the data sources

Ensure you set the correct global segment and use a Marketplace-specific personal access token (PAT) when using the Marketplace API. See the Marketplace API docs for additional guidance or to download the OpenAPI YAML for your own client generation.

To update data sources associated with a data product:

Suspend access to data products

Data products can be suspended. Suspending access revokes all access to data sources in the data product that was gained from the manual approvals in the Marketplace. However, the data product access can be resumed to grant the approvals again.

With the UI

From the Marketplace app,

  1. Select the data product.

  2. Navigate to the Advanced settings tab.

  3. Select Suspend Access and then click Suspend Access on the modal.

With the API

Ensure you set the correct global segment and use a Marketplace-specific personal access token (PAT) when using the Marketplace API. See the Marketplace API docs for additional guidance or to download the OpenAPI YAML for your own client generation.

Update the suspended parameter using the endpoint below:

Deleting data products

It is also possible to delete data products, which will remove all users' access to the data sources within the data product. Deleting a data product cannot be undone.

With the UI

From the Marketplace app,

  1. Select the data product.

  2. Navigate to the Advanced settings tab.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click Delete and then click Delete again.

With the API

Ensure you set the correct global segment and use a Marketplace-specific personal access token (PAT) when using the Marketplace API. See the Marketplace API docs for additional guidance or to download the OpenAPI YAML for your own client generation.

Last updated

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