Governance Report Types

Immuta reports allow data governors to use a natural language builder to instantly create reports that delineate user activity across Immuta. These reports can be based on various entity types, including users, groups, projects, data sources, purposes, policy types, or connection types.

User reports options

User reports can be run for all users or for individual users who have been registered in Immuta. Non-registered users' activity will not appear in reports.

All users report option

  • Data sources subscribed to. This report lists data sources each user is subscribed to and includes user roles, subscription types, when users last subscribed, who approved the users' subscriptions to the data sources, when the subscriptions expire, what attributes the users possess, and the groups the users belong to.

  • Status of all users. This report lists account information of all users in the system, including the users' full names, usernames, IAMs, HDFS principals, and last login dates.

Individual user report options

  • Groups the user belongs to. This report lists the names of the groups the user belongs to and the dates that groups were joined.

  • Data sources the user subscribes to. This report details the data source names, the user's roles, when the user last subscribed, who approved the subscriptions, when the subscriptions expire (if applicable), and the reasons for subscribing (if applicable).

  • Projects the user is currently a member of. This report lists the project names, whether the projects are public or private, the user's roles in the projects, the creator of the projects, when the projects were created, and when the user joined the projects.

  • All data sources ever accessed by the user. This report lists the data source names, when the data sources were first accessed by the user (or "read date"), and when the data sources were last accessed by the user. By default, this report only displays the last month of results. (You can download the full report by clicking Export to CSV.) The time period can be configured in the date field at the top of report's page.

  • Attributes the user has. This report lists the current attributes a user has and the values assigned to each attribute.

  • Purposes for accessing data. This report lists all purposes under which the user has accessed data sources. By default, this report only displays the last month of results. (The full report can be downloaded by clicking Export to CSV.) The time period can be configured in the date field at the top of the report's page.

Group reports options

Group Reports can be run for all groups or for individual groups.

All groups report option

  • Data sources that members of this group are subscribed to. This report lists the data source names, the group's role, when the group last subscribed to the data sources, who approved the subscriptions, and the expiration dates (if applicable), and reasons (if applicable) for the subscriptions.

Individual group report options

  • Users who belong to the group. This report lists the names of users and the dates the users joined the group.

  • Data sources that members of this group are subscribed to. This report lists the data source names, the group's role, when the group last subscribed to the data sources, who approved the subscriptions, and the expiration dates (if applicable), and reasons (if applicable) for the subscriptions.

  • Projects that users in this group are members of. This report includes the names of the projects, whether the projects are public or private, the group's role in the projects, the names of the project creators, when the projects were created, and when the group joined the projects.

  • Attributes of the group. This report includes the names of the attributes assigned to this group.

Project reports options

  • Users and groups who are members of the project. This report includes usernames, email addresses, user roles in the project, when the users joined, and the subscription types. The subscription types may be "Individual User," indicating that the user joined the project directly, or it might be "Group," in which case the name of the group will be stated. Group subscriptions occur when an entire group is added to a project.

  • Data sources that are part of the project. This report lists the data source names, the reasons given when added to the project (if applicable), the users who added the data sources, and when the data sources were added to the project.

  • Purpose of the project. This report includes the purpose name, the user who added the purpose, and when the purpose was added to the project.

Data source reports options

Data source reports can be run for all data sources or for individual data sources that are registered in Immuta. Activity to non-registered tables will not appear in the reports.

All data sources report option

  • Users and groups subscribed to data sources. This report lists all users and groups subscribed to every data source and includes usernames, email addresses, subscription types, user roles, subscription dates, who approved the subscriptions, expiration dates, and user attributes.

Individual data source reports options

  • Users and groups subscribed to the data source. This report lists the names of users, reasons for accessing the data sources (if applicable), user roles, email addresses, when users last subscribed, who approved the subscriptions, when the subscriptions expire (if applicable), and the subscription types. A subscription type may be "Individual User," indicating that the user subscribed to the data sources directly, or it might be "Group," in which case the name of the group will be stated. Group subscriptions occur when an entire group is added to a data source.

  • Projects that contain the data source. This report lists the project names, the users who added the data source to projects, when the data source was added to projects, the reasons for adding the data sources (if applicable), whether the projects are public or private, who created the projects, and when the projects were created.

  • Purposes of all projects that contain the data source. This report states the purpose names, the users who assigned the purposes to the projects, the dates the purposes were assigned, the names of the projects, the reasons the purposes were added (if applicable), whether the projects are public or private, who created the projects, and when the projects were created.

  • All users who have accessed the data source. This report lists usernames, email addresses, each user's latest query, and the date of the last access. By default, this report only displays the last month of results. (The full report can be downloaded by clicking Export to CSV.) The time period can be configured in the date field at the top of report's page.

  • All purposes for data source access. This report lists users who have accessed the data source and the purposes under which they were working. By default, this report only displays the last month of results. (The full report can be downloaded by clicking Export to CSV.) The time period can be configured in the date field at the top of report's page.

  • All users who have subscribed to the data source. This report lists users or groups, email addresses, when users subscribed, reasons for subscriptions (if applicable), who approved the subscriptions, when the subscriptions expire, and the dates and reasons users unsubscribed (if applicable). By default, this report only displays the last month of results. (The full report can be downloaded by clicking Export to CSV.)

  • All identifiers for the columns of the data source. This report lists all the identifiers that matched to a column of the data source through sensitive data discovery. It includes information about the column name, the hit percentage, and the number of rows sampled.

Purpose reports options

  • Users who are members of projects with this purpose. This report lists usernames, email addresses, their roles in the project, the names of the projects, whether the projects are public or private, the creators of the projects, when the projects were created, when users joined, and their subscription types (individual or group).

  • Data sources that are part of projects with this purpose. This report lists the names of the data sources, who created the data sources, the project names, whether the projects are public or private, the creators of the projects, whether the projects have other purposes, and when the projects were created. Note that whether projects have other purposes will be assigned as "True" or "False."

  • Whether any other purposes have been combined with this purpose. This report lists the names of the other purposes combined with the purpose you select, the project name where they are combined, the users who added each purpose, the project creator, whether the project is public or private, and the date the project was created.

  • Projects that have this purpose. This report lists the names of the projects, the users who added the purpose, whether the projects are public or private, creators of the projects, whether the projects have other purposes, and when the projects were created.

  • Data sources that have been accessed for this purpose. This report lists the names of the data sources, the users who accessed data sources for this purpose, the project names, and whether projects have other purposes. By default, this report only displays the last month of results, but the time period can be configured in the date field at the top of this report's page.

Policy type reports option

  • Data sources with this policy type. Immuta supports a range of policy types, such as masking, WHERE clauses, purpose restrictions, and more. This report lists every data source with this policy type, including when they were created, who created the data sources, who created the policy, and when the policy was created.

Global policy reports options

Global policy reports can be run for all global policies or for individual global policies.

All global policies report options

  • Global policies that have been disabled. This report details the names of the policies, the policies themselves, the policy types, the data sources from which the policies were disabled, who disabled the policies, when they were disabled, the justifications the users provided for disabling the policies, who created the policies, when the policies were created, and how the policies were associated with the data sources.

  • Global policies that cannot currently be applied. This report details the names of the policies, the policies themselves, the policy types, the names of the data sources the policies cannot be applied to, when the data sources were created, when the policies were created, the reasons the policies cannot be applied, who created the policies, and how the policies are associated with the data sources.

Individual global policy reports option

  • Data sources impacted by the policy. This report lists the data sources, when the data sources were created, and whether or not the policy is fully applied to the data sources.

  • Data sources impacted by the policy that have not been certified. This report lists the data sources that have not been certified, when the global policy was applied, and the data owner.

  • Data sources impacted by the policy that have been certified. This report lists the data sources that have been certified, the user that certified it, when the global policy was applied, and when it was certified.

Connection reports option

  • Data sources with this connection type. This report lists the data sources, each data source's creator, the creation date, and the tables or queries used by the connection selected.

Tag reports options

Tag reports can be run for all tags or for individual tags.

All tag reports options

  • Data sources this tag has been assigned to. This report generates a list of data sources associated with that tag and includes the columns tagged, the value types of the data tagged, who tagged the data sources, when the data sources were tagged, and when the data sources were created.

  • Purposes associated with data sources containing this tag. This report generates a list of purposes under which users have accessed data sources containing this tag. By default, this report only displays the last month of results. (The full report can be downloaded by clicking Export to CSV.) The time period can be configured in the date field at the top of the report's page.

  • Users who have accessed data sources containing this tag. This report lists users who have accessed data sources with this tag, their email addresses, when they queried the data, and when the data sources were created.

  • Projects that contain data with this tag. This report details the projects associated with this tag, whether or not the projects are public or private, when the projects were created, the data sources in the projects, and when the data sources were created.

Individual tag options

  • Users that have subscribed to data sources with any tag. This report lists users, their subscription type, and all of the tags in Immuta with information of whether or not users are subscribed to at least one data source where that tag is applied.

  • Data sources any tag has been applied to. This report lists data sources with the tags applied to them and the columns they are applied to.

  • Projects that contain a data source with any tag. This report lists projects and the data sources assigned to them with the tag they have applied.

Sensitive data discovery reports options

  • Columns with SDD tags applied. This report generates a list of all Discovered tags that have been applied to data sources by sensitive data discovery. It includes information about the column it is applied to within each data source and active policies that use the tag.

  • Columns with legacy SDD tags. This report generates a list of all Discovered tags applied by legacy SDD and provides context if native SDD also found those tags. It includes information about the data sources, columns, and active policies that use the tag.

Last updated

Self-managed versions


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