What is Immuta?

Immuta helps you achieve the following outcomes in your data platform:

  • Simplify Operations: Immuta’s dynamic access control and policy management require 93x fewer data policies to manage access control in your data platform according to the GigaOm study. It is simple and scalable, which improves change management and lowers the total cost of ownership of cloud data management.

  • Improve data security: Immuta helps prove compliance with rules and regulations, even when securing hundreds of thousands of tables. An Immuta customer, Swedbank, migrated all critical analytics workloads to the cloud in less than 12 months, including over 100 terabytes from more than 2,500 sources.

  • Unlock data’s value: Immuta helps organizations get access to more data 100x faster, which translates to improved productivity. An Immuta customer, Thomson Reuters enabled faster access to data, resulting in a 60x increase in data usage and greater productivity.

How does Immuta do it?

Immuta provides three modules to create a full data security platform suite.

Sensitive data discovery and classification: Immuta Discover

Discover sensitive data from millions of fields without manual effort. With over 60 pre-built and domain-specific identifiers, you can tailor data classification to your unique business needs based on your desired confidence level.

Continuous data security monitoring: Immuta Detect

Leverage timely insights into data access and user activity with anomaly indicators for faster analysis and proactive actions.

Data security and access control: Immuta Secure

Immuta’s attribute-based access control (ABAC) delivers scalable data access without role explosion, and dynamic data masking ensures the right users can access the right data.

How to get started

Begin with Immuta Detect. This section will guide you through Immuta configuration and leverage the capabilities of Immuta Discover to provide insights into where you have gaps in security and a complete understanding of your data ecosystem.

From there, you can move on to Immuta Secure to mitigate (and constantly mitigate) those findings from Immuta Detect. This section includes three separate use cases, which are common across customers and includes recommendations for how to best solve those use cases. Consult the use cases to determine which path is best for you.

Last updated

Self-managed versions


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