Manage Data Sources

This page details the immuta datasource command, its subcommands and arguments, and the workflow for creating, renaming, and deleting data sources.

Command Overview: immuta datasource

This command allows you to list, save, delete, and rename data sources in your instance of Immuta. The table below illustrates subcommands and arguments.


list keys

List all data source connection keys.


list sources

List all data sources for a given connection key.

connection key


Create or update all specified data sources in Immuta given connection information to the remote database.



Delete all data sources for the given connection key.

connection key


Rename the data source connection key.

connection key


Use these options to get more details about the datasource command or any of its subcommands:

  • -h

  • --help

Manage Data Sources

  immuta datasource [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete all datasources for the given connection key
  list        List Data Source keys and sources
  rename      Rename the connection key
  save        Create/Update all specified data sources in Immuta given connection info to the remote data base

  -h, --help   help for datasource

Global Flags:
      --config string    config file (default $HOME/.immutacfg.yaml)
  -p, --profile string   specifies the profile for what instance/api the cli will use (default "default")

Use "immuta datasource [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create a Data Source: immuta datasource save

  1. Add your remote database's connection information in a valid YAML file for the V2 API. Additional payload examples for creating data sources can be found here:

    connectionKey: 'a connection key'
      ssl: true
      port: 5432
      database: public
      schema: public
      username: user
      password: '{{EnvVar "myPassword"}}'
      handler: Snowflake
  2. Run immuta datasource save <filepath> [--wait int] [--dryRun], referencing the file you just created. The options you can specify include

    • -d or --dryRun: No updates will actually be made to the data source(s).

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.

    • -w or --wait int: Specify how long to wait for data source creation.


The following example illustrates a user saving an updated datasourceInfo.yaml file, first as a dry run and then by specifying that the data sources wait 5 seconds to be created.

$ immuta datasource save test.yml --dryRun
{"dryRun":true,"creating":["Public Credit Accounts","Public Credit Transactions","Public Fake Medical Claims 2017","Public Uciml Census Income Enriched"],"updating":[],"deleting":[],"noChange":[],"detectionRunning":false,"tagsUpdated":false,"connectionString":null}

$ immuta datasource save test.yml --wait 5
{"dryRun":false,"creating":["Public Credit Accounts","Public Credit Transactions","Public Fake Medical Claims 2017","Public Uciml Census Income Enriched"],"updating":[],"deleting":[],"noChange":[],"detectionRunning":false,"tagsUpdated":false,"connectionString":""}

Rename a Data Source Connection Key: immuta datasource rename

  1. Run immuta datasource list keys to view a list of data source connection keys. Options you can specify include

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.

    • -v or --verbose: Print response as JSON.

  2. To rename one of your data source connection keys, run immuta datasource rename <old connection key> <new connection key>. You can include the -h or --help options to get more information about this command.


The following example illustrates a user renaming a data source connection key to demonstration.

$ immuta datasource list keys

$ immuta datasource rename demonstration

$ immuta datasource list keys

Delete Data Sources: immuta datasource delete

This command will delete all data sources for the connection key you specify.

  1. Run immuta datasource list keys to view a list of data source connection keys. Options you can specify include

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.

    • -v or --verbose: Print response as JSON.

  2. Opt to view a list of the data sources in this connection key by running immuta datasource list sources <connection key>.

  3. Run immuta datasource delete <connection key> [--dryRun] to delete all of these data sources. Options you can specify include

    • -d or --dryRun: No updates will actually be made.

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.


The following example illustrates a user deleting the demonstration connection key and all its data sources.

$ immuta datasource list keys


$ immuta datasource delete demonstration
{"dryRun":false,"deleting":["Public Credit Transactions","Public Credit Accounts","Public Uciml Census Income Enriched","Public Fake Medical Claims 2017"]}

$ immuta datasource list sources demonstration
Error: status code: 404 message: The connection key "demonstration" was not found

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