Managing Data Metadata

You may have read the Automate data access control decisions use case already. If so you are aware of the two paths you must choose between: orchestrated-RBAC vs ABAC. To manage data metadata with this particular use case, you should use ABAC.

This is because you want your data product owners to tag data with facts - what they have intimate knowledge of because they built the data product - and not have to be knowledgeable about all policies across your organization. With orchestrated RBAC, you tag your columns with access logic baked in. ABAC means you tag your columns with facts, what is in the column, which is why ABAC makes much more sense.

Understanding that, read the automate data access control decisions use case's Managing data metadata guide.

Tags in a federated governance world

It is important to distinguish between tag definition and tag application. While tag definition (e.g., a tag called “Business Unit” with the values “Finance”, “Marketing”, “Sales”) should be strongly governed to guarantee consistency and coherence, tag application can be fully decentralized, meaning every domain or data owner can apply tag values (from the centrally governed list) to their data. There needs to be a process in place for data owners to request the definition of a new tag in case they identify any gaps.

Monitoring data products

It is important to leverage Immuta Discover's sensitive data discovery (SDD) to monitor your data products. This allows you to uncover if and when sensitive data may be leaked unknowingly by a data product and mitigate that leak quickly.

The Monitor and secure sensitive data platform query activity use case covers this in great detail and is highly recommended for a data mesh environment.

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