Write Policies Payloads and Response Schema Reference Guide

Manual write access grant payload

The parameters for manually granting write access to a data source without using a policy are outlined in the table below.

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optionalDefault valuesAccepted values

profileId integer

The unique identifier of the user to whom you are granting write access.




state string

The user's role on the data source.



  • expert

  • owner

  • subscribed

accessGrant string

The type of access to grant the user.



  • READ


Global write policy payload

The parameters for creating a global write policy are outlined in the table below.

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optionalDefault valuesAccepted values

type string

The type of policy to create.




name string

The name of the policy.




template boolean

Specifies whether or not the policy should be available as a template.



  • true

  • false

Specifies the policy access type and restriction level. See the array description for details.



staged boolean

When true, the policy is not active or applied to any data sources.



  • true

  • false

This object specifies the conditions under which the policy applies to a data source. Set the value to null to enforce the policy only when it is applied by data owners. Do not include this object in your payload to apply the policy to all data sources. See the object description for additional parameters and details.


By default, the policy applies to all data sources.


Actions array

The actions array specifies the policy access type and restriction level. Its child parameters are outlined in the table below.

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optionalDefault valuesAccepted values

type string

The type of policy. For write access policies, the type is subscription.



  • data

  • subscription

accessGrant string

The type of access the user is granted.




description string

The description of the policy.




subscriptionType string

The restriction level of the subscription policy.



  • approval: Users are granted access when approved by a specified user

  • automatic: Anyone is granted access

  • manual: Individually selected users are granted access

  • policy: Users with specified entitlements are granted access

Circumstances object

The circumstances object specifies the conditions under which the policy applies to a data source. Its child parameters are outlined in the table below.

ParameterDescriptionRequired or optionalDefault valuesAccepted values

operator string

Specifies how to combine the conditions of the policy.



  • and

  • or

type string

The type of condition under which to apply the policy.



  • anyTag

  • columnRegex

  • columnTags

  • noTags

  • server

  • tags

  • time

columnRegex object

This object indicates that the policy should apply to data sources with column names that match the regular expression. Its child parameters are outlined below.

Required when type is columnRegex.



columnRegex.regex string

A regular expression that matches names of columns.

Required when type is columnRegex.



columnRegex.caseInsensitive boolean

When true, the regular expression is case insensitive.



  • true

  • false

columnTag object

This object specifies the column tags required for the policy to apply to the data source. Child parameters are outlined below.

Required if type is columnTags.



columnTag.name string

The name of the tag.

Required if type is columnTags



columnTag.displayName string

The display name of the tag.




columnTag.hasLeafNodes boolean

When true, the tag applied has child tags.




server string

The server that contains the data sources the policy should be applied to.

Required when type is server.



startDate string

Applies the policy to data sources created on or after this startDate and before the endDate (if the endDate is specified).

Required when type is time.



endDate string

Applies the policy to data sources created on or before this endDate and after the startDate.




Global write policy response schema


policyKey string

The unique name of the policy.

createdBy integer

The unique identifier of the user who created the policy.

createdByName string

The username of the user who created the policy.

createdAt string

The date the policy was created.

clonedFrom integer

The unique identifier of the policy that the new policy was cloned from.

systemGenerated boolean

Indicates whether or not the policy is system-generated.

deleted boolean

When true, the policy has been deleted.

id integer

The unique identifier of the policy.

type string

The type of policy. For write access policies, the type is subscription.

name string

The name of the policy.

template boolean

Specifies whether or not the policy is available as a template.

certification object

The certification object only applies to data policies, not write access policies.

actions array[]

Specifies the policy access type and restriction level.

actions.type string

The type of policy. For write access policies, the type is subscription.

actions.accessGrant string

The type of access the user is granted. For write access policies, actions.accessGrant is WRITE.

actions.description string

The description of the policy.

actions.allowDiscovery boolean

When true, users can still see that the data source exists in Immuta, even if they do not have the attributes and groups specified by the policy.

actions.subscriptionType string

The restriction level of the subscription policy.

actions.shareResponsibility boolean

When true, users need to meet the conditions in this policy OR another share responsibility policy that applies to the data source. This parameter is not applicable to policies with actions.subscriptionType with a value of manual.

actions.automaticSubscription boolean

When true, users will automatically be subscribed to the data source when they meet the conditions specified in the policy. This parameter is not applicable to policies with actions.subscriptionType with a value of manual.

staged boolean

When true, the policy is staged and not active on any data sources.

circumstances array[]

Specifies the conditions under which the policy applies to a data source. See the object description for child parameters.

Manual write access grant response schema


isSubscriptionOverride boolean

When true, the user was manually granted write access by a data owner instead of being granted access by a policy on the data source.

id integer

The unique identifier of the user's subscription to the data source.

modelId integer

The unique identifier of the data source.

modelType string

The type of model the subscription policy applies to. For write policies, modelType is dataSource.

state string

The type of role the user has, such as expert, owner, or subscribed.

admin integer

The unique identifier of the user who granted write access to the data source subscriber.

denialReasoning string

If the user was denied access to the data source, this field contains the reason entered by the owner who denied access.

profile integer

The unique identifier of the user who has been granted write access.

group string

The name of the group that has been granted write access, when applicable.

policy boolean

When true, the access has been granted by a policy on the data source.

expiration string

The date the user's access expires.

acknowledgeRequired boolean

When true, the users must manually request access to the data source.

createdAt string

The date and time the user's access to the data source was granted.

updatedAt string

The date and time the user's access to the data source was updated.

accessGrant string

The type of access the user has to the data source: READ or WRITE.

approved boolean

When true, the user's access to the data source has been approved.

Last updated

Self-managed versions


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