Manage Projects

This page details the immuta project command, its subcommands and arguments, and the workflow for creating, renaming, and deleting projects.

Command: immuta project

This command allows you to list, save, delete, and rename projects in your instance of Immuta. The table below illustrates subcommands and arguments.


Use these options to get more details about the project command or any of its subcommands:

  • -h

  • --help

Manage Projects

  immuta project [command]

Available Commands:
  delete      Delete a project by project key
  list        List all policy keys
  rename      Rename the project key
  save        Create/Update a Project in Immuta

  -h, --help   help for project

Global Flags:
      --config string    config file (default $HOME/.immutacfg.yaml)
  -p, --profile string   specifies the profile for what instance/api the cli will use (default "default")

Use "immuta project [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Create Project: immuta project save

  1. Add your project information in a valid YAML file for the V2 API. Additional payload examples for creating projects can be found here:

    name: Demo Project
    projectKey: demo project
    description: "Users need approval to join this project"
    allowMaskedJoins: true
        type: approval
        - requiredPermission: GOVERNANCE
            specificApproverRequired: false
        - requiredPermission: ADMIN
            specificApproverRequired: false
  2. Run the following referencing the file you just created: immuta project save <filepath> [--dryRun] [--deleteWorkSpaceDataSources] The options you can specify include

    • --deleteWorkSpaceDataSources: Delete all data and the data sources associated with a project workspace when the workspace is deleted.

    • -d or --dryRun: No updates will be made.

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.


The example below illustrates a user listing all projects and then creating the project demo project.

$ immuta project list

$ immuta project save test-project.yml

$ immuta project list
demo project

Rename a Project Key: immuta project rename

  1. Opt to list all project keys to identify which project you would like to rename by running immuta project list. Options you can specify include

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.

    • -v or --verbose: Print response as JSON.

  2. Rename the project key by running immuta project rename <old project key> <new project key>, enclosing the name of the project key in quotation marks. Options you can specify to get more information about this command include -h or --help.


The example below illustrates a user renaming the demo project project key to data analytics team.

$ immuta project list
demo project

$ immuta project rename "demo project" "Data Analytics Team"
{"oldProjectKey":"demo project","newProjectKey":"Data Analytics Team"}

$ immuta project list
Data Analytics Team

Delete a Project: immuta project delete

  1. Opt to list all project keys to determine which project key you would like to delete by running immuta project list. Options you can specify include

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.

    • -v or --verbose: Print response as JSON.

  2. Delete a project key by running immuta project delete <project key> [--dryRun] [--hardDelete, enclosing the project key in quotation marks. Options you can specify include

    • -d or --dryRun: No updates will be made.

    • --hardDelete: If this is set, it will delete everything related to the project in Immuta. If not set, it will only disable the project.

    • -h or --help: Get more information about the command.


The example below illustrates a user first disabling and then deleting the project Data Analytics Team.

$ immuta project list
Data Analytics Team

$ immuta project delete "Data Analytics Team"
{"dryRun":false,"deleting":"Data Analytics Team"}

$ immuta project list
Data Analytics Team

$ immuta project delete "Data Analytics Team" --hardDelete
{"dryRun":false,"deleting":"Data Analytics Team"}

$ immuta project list

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