The Immuta CLI

The Immuta CLI allows users to interact with their Immuta tenant using the command line to manage data sources, projects, policies, and purposes. This feature allows you to have all of your Immuta tenant information in a Git repository and use the CLI to sync your Immuta tenant with the files in your Git repository. To install the Immuta CLI, follow this installation guide.

Section Overview

You can navigate this section of documentation in two different ways: by workflow or by command.


The navigation in the left pane is organized by major workflows you would use in Immuta. Each workflow contains relevant commands. Follow this chronological outline to find commands relevant to your workflow.


Below is a list of major commands available in the Immuta CLI. Click a command to navigate to its corresponding page that details subcommands, options, and arguments.

  • immuta: Interact with your Immuta tenant to create data sources, projects, policies, and purposes.

  • immuta api: Make an authenticated Immuta API request. This command will let you hit any endpoint in the Immuta API, including version 1 endpoints. For example, immuta api /tag will hit the v1 endpoint to list tags. This allows you to use the immuta api command instead of something like Postman or cURL to interact with the V1 API.

  • immuta clone: Clone all data sources, projects, purposes, and policies information into files.

  • immuta completion: Generate shell completion scripts.

  • immuta configure: Specify an Immuta tenant url and API key to be saved to the Immuta configuration file.

  • immuta datasource: Manage data sources.

  • immuta policy: Manage Global Policies.

  • immuta project: Manage projects.

  • immuta purpose: Manage purposes.

  • immuta audit exportConfig: Manage the audit export.

Last updated

Self-managed versions


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