Collaborate and Write Data Back to Immuta

Projects combine users and data sources under a common purpose, which can then be used to restrict access to data and streamline collaboration. When project equalization is enabled, for example, users working under the same project will see the same data, regardless of their varying levels of access. Additionally, project workspaces allow users to write data back to Immuta and share their analysis with other users.

Best practices for using Immuta projects

Tutorials contain call-outs with best practices throughout this section; however, here is an outline of the best practices when using projects.

  1. Use a naming convention for projects that reflects the naming convention for databases. (e.g., If the project in Dev is called: “my_project” name the project “dev_my_project.") The data will end up in the project database prefix, so you can trace the source and make edits upstream in that project as necessary.

  2. Use project equalization so that all project members see the same data, and re-equalize projects if new members or data sources are added to the project.

  3. Use Immuta's recommended equalized entitlements to protect your data in projects.

  4. Use project workspaces to allow users to write data back to Immuta.

  5. Consider purposes as attributes. Attributes identify a user, and purposes identify why that user should have access.

Section contents

This section includes conceptual, reference, and how-to guides for projects. Some of these guides are provided below. See the left navigation for a complete list of resources.

Reference guides

How-to guides

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