Payload Attribute Details

Audience: Data Engineers

Content Summary: This page contains details and examples of payload attributes for creating data sources.


The connectionKey is a unique identifier for the collection of data sources being created. If an existing connectionKey is used with new connection information, it will delete the old data sources and create new ones from the new information in the payload.


Special Cases

  • Athena: Also requires region and queryResultLocationBucket. queryResultLocationDirectory is optional. authenticationMethod can be none, accessKey (default: username = access key, password = secret key), or instanceRole.

  • BigQuery: Does not require hostname and password. Requires sid, which is the GCP project ID, and userFiles with the keyName of KeyFilePath and the base64-encoded keyfile.json.

  • Databricks: Also requires httpPath. No username is required.

  • Hadoop: authenticationMethod can be none, userPassword, hdInsight, kerberos, or kerberosHdInsight.

  • Trino: authenticationMethod can be No Authentication, LDAP Authentication, or Kerberos Authentication.

  • Snowflake: Also requires warehouse. authenticationMethod can be userPassword or PRIV_KEY_FILE. If using PRIV_KEY_FILE, do not specify a password; userFiles is required with the keyName of PRIV_KEY_FILE and the base64-encoded Snowflake key.


Available templates include

  • <tablename>

  • <schema>

  • <database>

All cases of the name in Immuta should be lowercase.

For example, consider a table TPC.CUSTOMER that is given the following nameTemplate:

dataSourceFormat: <schema> <tablename>
tableFormat: <tablename>
schemaFormat: <schema>
schemaProjectNameFormat: <schema>

This nameTemplate will produce a data source named tpc.customer in a schema project named tpc.




Best practice: Use Subscription Policies to Control Access

If you are not tagging individual columns, omit sources to create data sources for all tables in the schema or database, and then use Subscription Policies to control access to the tables instead of excluding them from Immuta.

This attribute configures which sources are created. If sources is not provided, all sources from the given connection will be created.

There are 3 types of sources than can be specified:

If you specify any sources (either tables or queries), but you still want to create data sources for the rest of the tables in the schema or database, you can specify all as a source:

  - all: true

Best practice: Use schema monitoring

Excluding sources or specifying all: true will turn on automatic schema monitoring in Immuta. As tables are added or removed, Immuta will look for those changes on a schedule (by default, once a day) and either disable or delete data sources for removed tables or create data sources for new tables. New tables will be tagged New so that you can build a policy to restrict access to new tables until they are evaluated by data owners. Data owners will be notified of new tables, and all subscribers will be notified if data sources are disabled or deleted.

Specify a Query

Immuta recommends creating a view in your native database instead of using this option, but if that is not possible, you can create data sources based on SQL statements:

  - query: “select * from table”
      datasource: “My Source”,
      table: “my_source”,
      schema: “queries”

Specify a Table

If you want to select specific tables to be created as data sources, or if you want to tag individual data sources or columns within a data source, you need to leverage this parameter:

  - table: name_of_table
    schema: name_of_schema

Additional Options

When specifying a table or query there are other options that can be specified:


  • If any columns are specified, those are the only columns that will be available in the data source.

  • If no columns are specified, Immuta will look for new or removed columns on a schedule (by default, once a day) and add or remove columns from the data sources automatically as needed.

  • New columns will be tagged New, so you can build a policy to automatically mask new columns until they are approved.

  • Data Owners will be notified when columns are added or removed.

columns is an array of objects for each column:

Column Descriptions

You can add descriptions to columns without having to specify all the columns in the data source. columnDescriptions is an array of objects with the following schema:

  - columnName: acct_num
    description: The account number


You can add tags to columns or data sources. tags is an object with the following schema:

    - Sensitive
    - Marketing
    - columnName: acct_num
        - unique_id

Last updated

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