Audience: Data Users
Content Summary: This page shows users how to identify background jobs that take too long to run.
Below is a SQL query, which will help determine background jobs that take too long to run.
Run the following SQL query to determine background jobs that take too long to run.
--FOR INTERVAL USAGE ===> NOW() - INTERVAL '4 hours' AS start_dt
--FOR SPECIFIC DATETIME USAGE ===> TO_TIMESTAMP('2021-11-23 12:05:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD hh24:mi:ss')::timestamp without time zone at time zone 'EDT' AS start_dt
vars AS (
NOW() AS end_dt,
NOW() - INTERVAL '7 days' AS start_dt
all_jobs_raw AS (
SELECT name, state, startedon, createdon, completedon, data FROM pgboss.job
UNION SELECT name, state, startedon, createdon, completedon, data FROM pgboss.archive -- COMMENT OUT THIS TABLE IF LESS THAN 12 HOURS AND RUNNING SLOW
all_jobs AS (
WHEN name = 'automaticSubscription' AND data->>'profileId' IS NULL THEN 'autoSub - ByDataSource'
WHEN name = 'automaticSubscription' AND data->>'profileId' IS NOT NULL THEN 'autoSub - ByUser'
WHEN name ILIKE 'nativeSqlProfileRefresh_Snowflake%' THEN 'nativeSqlProfileRefresh_Snowflake%'
WHEN name ILIKE 'nativeSqlProfileRefresh_Redshift%' THEN 'nativeSqlProfileRefresh_Redshift%'
ELSE name
END AS name, state, startedon, completedon
FROM all_jobs_raw INNER JOIN vars ON TRUE
WHERE all_jobs_raw.createdon > vars.start_dt and all_jobs_raw.createdon < vars.end_dt
batches AS (
SELECT DISTINCT name, COUNT(*) AS job_count, AVG(completedon - startedon) AS average_time
FROM all_jobs GROUP BY name)
SELECT *, job_count * average_time AS total_time, end_dt - start_dt AS all_time
FROM batches
ORDER BY total_time DESC;