UAM Schema

Universal audit model (UAM) is Immuta's consistent structure for all Immuta system and user query audit logs. This reference guide provides example schemas of all the UAM events available in Immuta.

There are some parameter details throughout to help better understand the UAM schemas. But there are two important parameters to each event:

  • targetType: Informs the Immuta object that's the target of the action being audited. This will specify if it was a user, project, policy, etc. being affected by the action.

  • action: Informs the base action being performed on the target. This will specify if something was created, deleted, updated, etc.

To learn more about Immuta's audit, see the UAM reference page or view the examples below.

Events and descriptions

Immuta object

API keys

Audit events for managing API keys.


Audit events for managing attributes.


An audit event for Immuta configuration changes.


Audit events for managing domains, domain policies, and domain permissions.


Audit events for managing Immuta groups and group members.


Audit events for managing Immuta licenses.

Local policies

Audit events for managing local policies.


Audit events for managing user permissions.

Policy adjustments

Audit events for managing policy adjustments in a project.


Audit events for managing purposes.


Audit events for user queries within data platforms.


Audit events for managing tags and their application.


Audit events for managing webhooks.

ApiKeyCreated event

  • Event: ApiKeyCreated

  • Legacy event: apiKey

  • Description: An audit event for when an API key is created on the Immuta app settings page or from an Immuta user's profile page.

    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "ApiKeyCreatedAuditPayload",
        "apiKeyId": "1112158",
        "name": "T1",
        "version": 1
    "action": "CREATE",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-01-25T18:04:58.368Z",
    "actor": {
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "targetType": "APIKEY",
    "id": "d9dc3cee-98d0-47d6-ba81-e0b38f9f4014",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-01-25T18:04:58.505Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "targets": [],
    "requestId": "60c68659-ac83-5299-bf3e-14856178a0de",
    "sessionId": "9c553d7ace0aa3ee735fd3c14f737bc6"

ApiKeyDeleted event

  • Event: ApiKeyDeleted

  • Legacy event: apiKey

  • Description: An audit event for when an API key is deleted on the Immuta app settings page or from an Immuta user's profile page.

    "id": "fe47ddd1-fd22-4dcf-9648-83950a10ef34",
    "targetType": "APIKEY",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-01-25T18:08:28.891Z",
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "requestId": "220c7faa-7f56-5d8c-aa31-8ac2212b7707",
    "sessionId": "9c553d7ace0aa3ee735fd3c14f737bc6",
    "targets": [],
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "ApiKeyDeletedAuditPayload",
        "apiKeyId": "1112158",
        "version": 1
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-01-25T18:08:21.319Z",
    "action": "DELETE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": ""

AttributeApplied event

  • Event: AttributeApplied

  • Legacy events: accessUser and accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for an attribute applied to a group or user.

  • Additional parameter details: targetType will specify whether the attribute was added to a USER or GROUP.

    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Deepu Murty",
            "id": "",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "profileId": "20",
            "type": "USER"
    "requestId": "e45652cd-4d00-5def-8e8c-aca696822fc2",
    "sessionId": "cdbffff8804103418350947c6586712c",
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "id": "63f111a7-0835-4696-8fdb-188130c44fac",
    "targetType": "USER",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-09-13T14:36:02.926Z",
    "action": "ATTRIBUTE_APPLY",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-09-13T14:36:02.688Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "values": ["Product"],
            "name": "Department",
            "id": "department",
            "type": "ATTRIBUTE"
    "auditPayload": {
        "entityType": "USER",
        "type": "AttributeAppliedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "attributes": [
                "values": ["Product"],
                "attribute": "Department"
        "entityIdProvider": "bim",
        "entityId": ""

AttributeRemoved event

  • Event: AttributeRemoved

  • Legacy events: accessUser and accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for an attribute removed from a group or user.

  • Additional parameter details: targetType will specify whether the attribute was removed from a USER or GROUP.

    "relatedResources": [
            "values": ["UNCLASSIFIED"],
            "name": "classification",
            "id": "classification",
            "type": "ATTRIBUTE"
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "AttributeRemovedAuditPayload",
        "entityType": "USER",
        "version": 1,
        "attributes": [
                "values": ["UNCLASSIFIED"],
                "attribute": "classification"
        "entityIdProvider": "bim",
        "entityId": ""
    "action": "ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": "",
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-02-20T19:46:50.259Z",
    "actor": {
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "id": "0fd77c61-f08a-488c-9d10-c356ffea0d11",
    "targetType": "USER",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-20T19:46:50.426Z",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Deepu Murty",
            "type": "USER",
            "id": "",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "profileId": "20"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "requestId": "146ec771-ec2e-5f40-8551-1dbc38e64078",
    "sessionId": "893db38b8f1977fda75f60d168c4e74e"

ConfigurationUpdated event

  • Event: ConfigurationUpdated

  • Legacy event: configurationUpdate

  • Description: An audit event for updates to the configuration on the Immuta app settings page.

    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-04T18:38:25.801Z",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "type": "ConfigurationUpdatedAuditPayload",
        "changeSet": {
            "plugins": {
                "policy": {
                    "approveToPromote": {
                        "requiredApprovalCount": [
                                "newValue": 1,
                                "oldValue": 2
        "configurationId": "20"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "sessionId": "aed83ab8b46affcb1169532dada92b72",
    "requestId": "c80f510f-3f55-5450-8dea-d5e243708686",
    "targets": [
            "name": "20",
            "type": "CONFIGURATION",
            "id": "20"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-04T18:38:26.039Z",
    "id": "3989e233-c791-43e9-813f-7738f4c8e26b",
    "targetType": "CONFIGURATION",
    "actor": {
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"

DatasourceAppliedToProject event

  • Event: DatasourceAppliedToProject

  • Legacy event: addToProject

  • Description: An audit event for adding a data source to an Immuta project.

    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourceAppliedToProjectAuditPayload",
        "errors": [],
        "projectId": "2",
        "version": 1,
        "datasources": [
                "id": "2",
                "name": "Public Case"
    "sessionId": "6b928653b1411078647a2764a72beca6",
    "targets": [
            "projectKey": "HumanResources",
            "id": "2",
            "type": "PROJECT",
            "name": "Human Resources"
    "action": "DATASOURCE_APPLY",
    "id": "8106b44f-cf56-4ca2-a111-641d0e80e6ff",
    "targetType": "PROJECT",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "relatedResources": [
            "id": "2",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "name": "Public Case"
    "actor": {
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-13T14:08:20.427Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "requestId": "8823f3f0-4e46-590c-bbb2-209cce750ff9",
    "tenantId": "",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-13T14:08:20.660Z"

DatasourceCatalogSynced event

  • Event: DatasourceCatalogSynced

  • Legacy event: catalogUpdate

  • Description: An audit event for syncing an external catalog to tag Immuta data sources.

    "tenantId": "",
    "action": "CATALOG_SYNC",
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": ""
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-04-14T16:48:21.159Z",
    "id": "159d4299-fca5-47cb-aa6b-81d93bafa526",
    "targets": [
            "id": "9",
            "name": "Public case",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "type": "DATASOURCE"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-04-14T16:48:21.209Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "datasourceId": "9",
        "changes": {
            "before": {
                "catalogId": null,
                "documentation": null,
                "dictionary": [
                        "tags": [],
                        "columnName": "country"
                        "columnName": "date",
                        "tags": []
                        "tags": [],
                        "columnName": "fastest_qualifying"
                        "columnName": "location",
                        "tags": []
                        "columnName": "round",
                        "tags": []
                        "columnName": "winning_aircraft",
                        "tags": []
                        "tags": [],
                        "columnName": "winning_pilot"
                "tableTags": null,
                "description": null
            "after": {
                "description": "",
                "tableTags": null,
                "dictionary": [
                        "columnName": "country",
                        "description": "",
                        "tags": []
                        "tags": [],
                        "description": "",
                        "columnName": "date"
                        "tags": [],
                        "columnName": "fastest_qualifying",
                        "description": ""
                        "tags": [],
                        "columnName": "location",
                        "description": ""
                        "columnName": "round",
                        "description": "",
                        "tags": []
                        "tags": [],
                        "description": "",
                        "columnName": "winning_aircraft"
                        "columnName": "winning_pilot",
                        "description": "",
                        "tags": []
                "catalogId": "immuta-product_engineering"
        "type": "DatasourceCatalogSyncedAuditPayload"

DatasourceCreated event

  • Event: DatasourceCreated

  • Legacy event: dataSourceCreate

  • Description: An audit event for registering a table as an Immuta data source.

"id": "dc0b7313-ecc9-42f1-ba33-df0a1a753c08",
"action": "CREATE",
"actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"actor": {
    "name": "Taylor Smith",
    "id": "",
    "identityProvider": "bim",
    "profileId": "1",
    "type": "USER_ACTOR"
"tenantId": "",
"targetType": "DATASOURCE",
"targets": [
        "type": "DATASOURCE",
        "id": "102",
        "name": "Pgboss Job",
        "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
"relatedResources": [
        "type": "CONNECTION",
        "id": "4",
        "name": "data-source-connection-name",
        "connectionKey": "data-source-connection-key"
"auditPayload": {
    "type": "DatasourceCreatedAuditPayload",
    "version": 1,
    "description": null,
    "documentation": null,
    "expiration": null,
    "columnDetectionEnabled": true,
    "disabled": false,
    "technology": "POSTGRESQL",
    "connectionId": "4",
    "table": "job",
    "schema": "pgboss",
    "sensitiveDataDiscoveryEnabled": true
"eventTimestamp": "2024-02-22T13:59:04.681Z",
"receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-22T13:59:04.715Z"

DatasourceDeleted event

  • Event: DatasourceDeleted

  • Legacy event: dataSourceDelete

  • Description: An audit event for deleting a data source in Immuta.

"id": "1403b675-70f6-4833-ab4c-a7486c63f494",
"action": "DELETE",
"actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
"actor": {
    "name": "Taylor Smith",
    "id": "",
    "identityProvider": "bim",
    "profileId": "1",
    "type": "USER_ACTOR"
"tenantId": "",
"targetType": "DATASOURCE",
"targets": [
        "type": "DATASOURCE",
        "id": "93",
        "name": "Audit",
        "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
"relatedResources": [],
"auditPayload": {
    "type": "DatasourceDeletedAuditPayload",
    "version": 1,
    "datasourceId": "93",
    "name": "Audit",
    "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
"eventTimestamp": "2024-02-22T14:20:42.379Z",
"receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-22T14:20:42.392Z"

DatasourceDisabled event

  • Event: DatasourceDisabled

  • Legacy event: None

  • Description: An audit event for disabling a data source in Immuta.

    "id": "a09b9bc3-3775-4496-87ec-b808cf649794",
    "sessionId": "0fcaaf9c074330b4b875746c2e52739c",
    "requestId": "153fe145-32a0-5c33-930d-c571c1d7748d",
    "action": "DISABLE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "targets": [
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "id": "57",
            "name": "Activity",
            "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourceDisabledAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "datasourceId": "57",
        "name": "Activity",
        "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-02-22T14:22:20.039Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-22T14:22:20.183Z"

DatasourceGlobalPolicyApplied event

  • Event: DatasourceGlobalPolicyApplied

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyApplied

  • Description: An audit event for applying a global policy to a data source.

    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:06:27.645Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "conflict": null,
        "version": 1,
        "policy": {
            "actions": [
                    "dataPolicyType": "MASKING",
                    "rules": [
                            "exceptions": null,
                            "type": "MASKING_HASH",
                            "fields": ["AWARD_ID"],
                            "ruleAppliedForUser": false
                    "type": "DATA",
                    "global": false,
                    "rationale": null
            "type": "DATA"
        "type": "DatasourceGlobalPolicyAppliedAuditPayload"
    "relatedResources": [
            "policyKey": "Mask PII",
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "7"
    "id": "7f57d63a-5db8-412a-ad93-c6baa61384b3",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "actor": {
        "profileId": "1",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:06:27.617Z",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "targets": [
            "id": "47",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "name": "Public case"
    "action": "POLICY_APPLIED"

DatasourceGlobalPolicyConflictResolved event

  • Event: DatasourceGlobalPolicyConflictResolved

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyConflictResolved

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy conflict being resolved on a data source.

    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "profileId": "1",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "id": "ac9c699a-aad0-4899-964c-279cd7eba125",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourceGlobalPolicyConflictResolvedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:34:04.330Z",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Public case",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "id": "47",
            "type": "DATASOURCE"
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": "",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:34:04.301Z"

DatasourceGlobalPolicyDisabled event

  • Event: DatasourceGlobalPolicyDisabled

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyDisabled

  • Description: An audit event for a data owner disabling a global policy from their data source.

    "relatedResources": [
            "id": "7",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "mask pii"
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "id": "4853154c-8825-4138-800d-913cbab56af6",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:13:25.004Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "type": "DatasourceGlobalPolicyDisabledAuditPayload"
    "actor": {
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:13:24.975Z",
    "action": "POLICY_DISABLED",
    "targets": [
            "id": "47",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "name": "Public case",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE"
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": ""

DatasourceGlobalPolicyRemoved event

  • Event: DatasourceGlobalPolicyRemoved

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyRemoved

  • Description: An audit event for a data owner removing a global policy from their data source.

    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1"
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourceGlobalPolicyRemovedAuditPayload",
        "conflict": null,
        "policy": {
            "type": "DATA",
            "actions": [
                    "dataPolicyType": "MASKING",
                    "rationale": null,
                    "global": false,
                    "type": "DATA",
                    "rules": [
                            "type": "MASKING_HASH",
                            "exceptions": null,
                            "ruleAppliedForUser": false,
                            "fields": ["PII"]
        "version": 1
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:06:27.635Z",
    "id": "4a27ab2f-156e-4cff-a3bc-65184d74ccd5",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "relatedResources": [
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "id": "7",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY"
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "targets": [
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "id": "47",
            "name": "Public case",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE"
    "action": "POLICY_REMOVED",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:06:27.617Z"

DatasourcePolicyCertificationExpired event

  • Event: DatasourcePolicyCertificationExpired

  • Legacy event: policyCertificationExpired

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy certification expiring on a data source.

    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targets": [
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "name": "Public case",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "id": "47"
    "action": "DECERTIFY_POLICY",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-16T19:49:25.365Z",
    "actor": {
        "type": "SYSTEM_ACCOUNT",
        "id": "immuta_system_account",
        "name": "Immuta System Account"
    "auditPayload": {
        "expirationDate": "2023-10-16T19:49:25.365Z",
        "type": "DatasourcePolicyCertificationExpiredAuditPayload",
        "version": 1
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-16T19:49:25.387Z",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "id": "aedc4025-d888-4407-b837-659dca4d0e80",
    "relatedResources": [
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "7",
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "name": "Mask PII"

DatasourcePolicyCertified event

  • Event: DatasourcePolicyCertified

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyCertify

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy being certified by a data owner for their data source.

    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-03T18:35:32.666Z",
    "id": "04947a9b-0206-4c2d-bce0-0d969b68350b",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "sessionId": "95ca3d7f5d3d2a2b82cecb3ff1051b63",
    "requestId": "bf443424-2e49-5a13-9009-8b527a3f65f3",
    "targets": [
            "id": "44",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "name": "Public case"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourcePolicyCertifiedAuditPayload",
        "columns": [
                "name": "Full name",
                "tags": [
                        "deleted": false,
                        "id": "23",
                        "type": "TAG",
                        "context": "manual",
                        "source": "curated",
                        "name": "PII"
        "certificationDate": "2023-10-03T18:35:32.607Z",
        "version": 1
    "relatedResources": [
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "3",
            "name": "Mask PHI",
            "policyKey": "Mask PHI"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-03T18:35:32.484Z",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": "",
    "action": "POLICY_CERTIFY"

DatasourcePolicyDecertified event

  • Event: DatasourcePolicyDecertified

  • Legacy events: None

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy being decertified on a data source.

    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "targets": [
            "id": "44",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "name": "Public case"
    "requestId": "270aa26c-e424-53cf-af06-d290c8bfa308",
    "sessionId": "95ca3d7f5d3d2a2b82cecb3ff1051b63",
    "actor": {
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "id": "31c902a8-5cbc-4171-baaa-2428080fac91",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-03T19:25:34.166Z",
    "action": "DECERTIFY_POLICY",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": "",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-03T19:25:34.094Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "id": "7",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY"
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "type": "DatasourcePolicyDecertifiedAuditPayload",
        "decertificationDate": "2023-10-03T19:25:34.121Z"

DatasourceRemovedFromProject event

  • Event: DatasourceRemovedFromProject

  • Legacy event: removeFromProject

  • Description: An audit event for removing a data source from a project.

    "id": "77de32df-1655-4618-b0bf-e6883483a151",
    "sessionId": "285574f9f1fd35b1fc7dba060e0786a2",
    "requestId": "e35f9736-f206-53fd-ab02-043bce216e52",
    "action": "DATASOURCE_REMOVE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "PROJECT",
    "targets": [
            "type": "PROJECT",
            "name": "Human Resources",
            "id": "13",
            "projectKey": "humanresources"
    "relatedResources": [
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "id": "54",
            "name": "Customers",
            "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourceRemovedFromProjectAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "projectId": "13",
        "datasources": [
                "id": "54",
                "name": "Customers"
        "errors": []
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-02-29T18:19:08.881Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-29T18:19:09.071Z"

DatasourceUpdated event

  • Event: DatasourceUpdated

  • Legacy events: dataSourceUpdate and dataSourceSave

  • Description: An audit event for updating a data source with the new data source details.

    "id": "d6e6115a-e508-4ace-83af-5b6da9a25884",
    "action": "UPDATE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "DATASOURCE",
    "targets": [
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "id": "66",
            "name": "Public case",
            "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DatasourceUpdatedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "name": "Public case",
        "description": null,
        "documentation": "New documentation to descripe the table.",
        "expiration": null,
        "columnDetectionEnabled": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "datasourceId": "66"
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-02-22T14:24:45.048Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-22T14:24:45.069Z"

DomainCreated event

  • Event: DomainCreated

  • Legacy event: collectionCreated

  • Description: An audit event for creating a domain.

    "sessionId": "227c3dbbbfe78ecd693c84979a930c22",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "targetType": "DOMAIN",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:01:03.651Z",
    "requestId": "460ce02b-30d5-5e68-bff0-b31e6ea44ba0",
    "id": "f99bc30e-13f6-4041-a0ad-20750a27519e",
    "actor": {
        "id": "",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "action": "CREATE",
    "tenantId": "",
    "auditPayload": {
        "domain": {
            "description": "A domain for financial data.",
            "name": "Finance Domain",
            "domainType": "DOMAIN",
            "id": "11e7011d-a365-4933-abcb-d5febc03d310"
        "version": 1,
        "type": "DomainCreatedAuditPayload"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "targets": [
            "name": "Finance Domain",
            "domainType": "domain",
            "type": "DOMAIN",
            "id": "11e7011d-a365-4933-abcb-d5febc03d310"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:01:03.065Z"

DomainDataSourcesUpdated event

  • Event: DomainDataSourcesUpdated

  • Legacy events: collectionDataSourceAdded, collectionDataSourceRemoved, and collectionDataSourceUpdated

  • Description: An audit event for updating a domain's data sources.

  • Additional parameter details: auditPayload.updateType will specify whether the data source was added to or removed from the domain.

    "action": "MODIFY_DOMAIN",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "targetType": "DOMAIN",
    "modifiedResourceType": "DATASOURCE",
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "profileId": "1",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": ""
    "id": "bef14718-5fa8-4891-bb9e-47f7a332a70b",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:23:14.432Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "updateType": "ADD",
        "version": 1,
        "type": "DomainDataSourcesUpdatedAuditPayload"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:23:14.456Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "name": "Public case",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "technology": "POSTGRESQL",
            "id": "381"
    "targets": [
            "id": "11e7011d-a365-4933-abcb-d5febc03d310",
            "name": "Finance Domain",
            "domainType": "domain",
            "type": "DOMAIN"

DomainDeleted event

  • Event: DomainDeleted

  • Legacy event: collectionDeleted

  • Description: An audit event for deleting a domain.

    "relatedResources": [],
    "targets": [
            "type": "DOMAIN",
            "name": "Finance Domain",
            "domainType": "DOMAIN",
            "id": "6eb5a6df-67d8-4de7-adbd-24eb7271eaea"
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "domain": {
            "id": "6eb5a6df-67d8-4de7-adbd-24eb7271eaea",
            "name": "Finance Domain",
            "domainType": "DOMAIN"
        "type": "DomainDeletedAuditPayload"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:21:13.981Z",
    "actor": {
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "tenantId": "",
    "action": "DELETE",
    "requestId": "7884603d-8911-5f33-a9a7-d8560eb49a89",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:21:14.077Z",
    "id": "3a82ceb6-6592-4ddf-9055-6920d87bba32",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "targetType": "DOMAIN",
    "sessionId": "227c3dbbbfe78ecd693c84979a930c22",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx"

DomainPermissionsUpdated event

  • Event: DomainPermissionsUpdated

  • Legacy events: collectionPermissionGranted and collectionPermissionRevoked

  • Description: An audit event for granting or revoking a user's domain-related permissions.

  • Additional parameter details: auditPayload.updateType will specify whether the permission was granted to or revoked from a user.

    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:01:03.065Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "type": "USER",
            "name": "Taylor Smith",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "profileId": "1",
            "id": ""
            "type": "USER",
            "profileId": "1",
            "name": "Taylor Smith",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "id": ""
    "targets": [
            "name": "Finance Domain",
            "domainType": "domain",
            "type": "DOMAIN",
            "id": "11e7011d-a365-4933-abcb-d5febc03d310"
    "auditPayload": {
        "updateType": "GRANT",
        "version": 1,
        "permissionUpdates": [
                "permission": "MANAGE_POLICIES",
                "profileId": "1"
        "type": "DomainPermissionsUpdatedAuditPayload"
    "tenantId": "",
    "action": "MODIFY_DOMAIN",
    "actor": {
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "id": ""
    "modifiedResourceType": "USER",
    "id": "377ee78b-74da-4466-bdc1-22d531c1f61c",
    "requestId": "460ce02b-30d5-5e68-bff0-b31e6ea44ba0",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-20T20:01:03.576Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "sessionId": "227c3dbbbfe78ecd693c84979a930c22",
    "targetType": "DOMAIN",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS"

DomainUpdated event

  • Event: DomainUpdated

  • Legacy event: collectionUpdated

  • Description: An audit event for updating an Immuta domain.

    "id": "d61d6ac9-2897-4d34-84f3-16181ddb9212",
    "sessionId": "adba345c6949d7f7761367c0769b983d",
    "requestId": "9a64147e-5b57-5905-9e7c-54b5a5c461c8",
    "action": "UPDATE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "DOMAIN",
    "targets": [
            "type": "DOMAIN",
            "id": "69347b14-1cda-41e1-9186-e85853158299",
            "name": "Finance Domain v2",
            "domainType": "domain"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "DomainUpdatedAuditPayload",
        "modifiedFields": [
        "domain": {
            "id": "69347b14-1cda-41e1-9186-e85853158299",
            "name": "Finance Domain v2",
            "description": "Only use for finance tables."
        "version": 1
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-12T18:26:29.618Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-12T18:26:32.472Z"

GlobalPolicyApprovalRescinded event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyApprovalRescinded

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyApprovalRescinded

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy approval rescinded in the approve to promote workflow.

    "targets": [
            "id": "12",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "mask pii"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "sessionId": "c6eb428b869864f798f17fd7d5d0215a",
    "requestId": "10a78dee-6181-52dd-8b68-5461b6172e40",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Deepu Murty",
        "profileId": "999111223",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:23:25.966Z",
    "id": "5ff5640f-4fc3-4634-a0e2-c625e0ffb447",
    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:23:25.861Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "comment": "This policy isn't ready for production. Please mask PII.",
        "type": "GlobalPolicyApprovalRescindedAuditPayload",
        "approvalRequestId": "2",
        "version": 1
    "relatedResources": []

GlobalPolicyApproved event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyApproved

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyApproved

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy approved in the approve to promote workflow.

    "auditPayload": {
        "comment": "This policy looks good for production.",
        "approvalRequestId": "2",
        "type": "GlobalPolicyApprovedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1
    "relatedResources": [],
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:22:12.040Z",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Deepu Murty",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "999111223"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:22:12.153Z",
    "id": "271dc5ff-b23e-4da6-8066-91a35fda02e4",
    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "12"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "sessionId": "c6eb428b869864f798f17fd7d5d0215a",
    "requestId": "50863cf9-6a8a-5299-89e2-200771eab62c"

GlobalPolicyChangeRequested event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyChangeRequested

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyChangeRequested

  • Description: An audit event for requested edits on a global policy in the approve to promote workflow.

    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:20:16.483Z",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "approvalRequestId": "1",
        "type": "GlobalPolicyChangeRequestedAuditPayload",
        "comment": "Please add additional controls on personal data.",
        "version": 1
    "requestId": "4afc86e6-dee6-5756-b02e-b22e92d237c4",
    "sessionId": "be1e7a02ba2a5e65a6848c752ee0838b",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "12"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "id": "77277757-331a-4a13-ba21-cbfeab01d47f",
    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:20:16.581Z",
    "actor": {
        "profileId": "999111223",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Deepu Murty"

GlobalPolicyCreated event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyCreated

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyCreate

  • Description: An audit event for creating a global policy.

    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "id": "aac7cb75-c6ec-48ed-a11e-f6d8bf29dfe6",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "actor": {
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "sessionId": "517a11643dcdbba0b5ba30d49ee7a334",
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "GlobalPolicyCreatedAuditPayload",
        "policy": {
            "type": "DATA",
            "actions": [
                    "type": "DATA",
                    "rules": [
                            "type": "MASKING_HASH",
                            "columnCondition": {
                                "type": "TAG",
                                "tags": ["Testing"]
                            "exceptions": null
                    "dataPolicyType": "MASKING",
                    "rationale": null
            "circumstance": {
                "conditions": [
                        "type": "TAG",
                        "tagType": "COLUMN",
                        "tag": "Testing"
                "operator": "any",
                "type": "CONDITIONAL"
    "targets": [
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "id": "5"
    "action": "CREATE",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-05-10T18:29:39.438Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "requestId": "2b126931-7a15-5678-99c4-11f0c5b40365",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-05-10T18:29:39.636Z",
    "tenantId": ""

GlobalPolicyDeleted event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyDeleted

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyDelete

  • Description: An audit event for deleting a global policy.

    "requestId": "12674fb7-4b90-5500-906f-7277a240e0f8",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-09-13T19:42:53.029Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-09-13T19:42:53.157Z",
    "id": "d8cb76a2-516d-41f7-98d9-1cb616b759a4",
    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "policy": {
            "actions": [
                    "subscriptionPolicyType": "AUTOMATIC",
                    "type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
                    "rationale": null,
                    "accessGrant": "READ"
            "type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
            "circumstance": {
                "type": "WHEN_SELECTED"
        "type": "GlobalPolicyDeletedAuditPayload"
    "sessionId": "2d48cc8df46b3b3eedf543f4192b6726",
    "action": "DELETE",
    "targets": [
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "id": "6"

GlobalPolicyPromoted event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyPromoted

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyPromoted

  • Description: An audit event for when a global policy is fully approved and promoted to production in the approve to promote workflow.

    "sessionId": "89fc6c8f7b6e04d9b9d4f720dbd84890",
    "requestId": "6abef8eb-6acb-5364-9a88-7479b03227cf",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "maks pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "12"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-11-08T14:57:36.465Z",
    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "id": "990f260b-eef6-4eed-8f71-f48c8e9b88cb",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-08T14:57:36.387Z",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "GlobalPolicyPromotedAuditPayload",
        "policyName": "Mask PII",
        "version": 1,
        "policyId": "12"
    "relatedResources": []

GlobalPolicyReviewRequested event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyReviewRequested

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyReviewRequested

  • Description: An audit event for when a global policy is ready and requests a review in the approve to promote workflow.

    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "id": "a26fa653-e545-4a34-9488-d7f1b92379d0",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:16:30.588Z",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "profileId": "1",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "id": ""
    "requestId": "9a03030a-09ef-5d2b-abea-b65305901e9b",
    "sessionId": "1f468d12a437bceb59b71054d6ad8bf8",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Mask PII",
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "id": "12"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "GlobalPolicyReviewRequestedAuditPayload",
        "approvalRequestId": "1",
        "version": 1
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-11-03T18:16:30.281Z",
    "tenantId": "",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS"

GlobalPolicyUpdated event

  • Event: GlobalPolicyUpdated

  • Legacy event: globalPolicyUpdate

  • Description: An audit event for a global policy being updated with details about the policy.

    "tenantId": "",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:06:21.278Z",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-24T18:06:21.155Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "requestId": "c2554ade-fbea-54b4-bfa5-a652d8a34309",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": ""
    "id": "f2346f5b-07b3-4f71-a0e1-9635e3b7cacc",
    "targetType": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
    "targets": [
            "id": "7",
            "policyKey": "mask pii",
            "type": "GLOBAL_POLICY",
            "name": "Mask PII"
    "action": "UPDATE",
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "policy": {
            "circumstance": {
                "type": "WHEN_SELECTED"
            "actions": [
                    "dataPolicyType": "MASKING",
                    "type": "DATA",
                    "rules": [
                            "type": "MASKING_HASH",
                            "columnCondition": {
                                "tags": ["AuditTesting"],
                                "type": "TAG"
                            "exceptions": null
                    "rationale": null
            "type": "DATA",
            "certification": {
                "label": "Personal information certification",
                "tags": ["AuditTesting"],
                "description": "I certify that I understand this data source contains personally identifiable information and will use the data appropriately and responsibly to the company policies."
        "type": "GlobalPolicyUpdatedAuditPayload"
    "sessionId": "1a8a16c58f29172d9a59224030617184"

GroupCreated event

  • Event: GroupCreated

  • Legacy event: accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for a group created in Immuta.

    "sessionId": "c3e76e5f809b74fabe0975bcac5e0fca",
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "groupIdProvider": "bim",
        "name": "HR",
        "groupId": "6",
        "type": "GroupCreatedAuditPayload"
    "action": "CREATE",
    "targets": [
            "id": "6",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "name": "HR",
            "type": "GROUP"
    "targetType": "GROUP",
    "id": "24b9bce7-e255-47ed-8aa1-fefde19be539",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "actor": {
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": ""
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-19T21:18:23.711Z",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "requestId": "a37ee299-cc6b-531b-8af1-891d853af995",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-19T21:18:24.040Z",
    "tenantId": ""

GroupDeleted event

  • Event: GroupDeleted

  • Legacy event: accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for a group deleted in Immuta.

    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-19T21:18:25.891Z",
    "requestId": "92e7ba98-144b-502d-beae-48ceb865cdcf",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-19T21:18:26.161Z",
    "tenantId": "",
    "sessionId": "60e86f7be389dc21b11bdc4a5b6d6974",
    "auditPayload": {
        "name": "HR",
        "groupIdProvider": "bim",
        "groupId": "6",
        "type": "GroupDeletedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1
    "targets": [
            "id": "6",
            "type": "GROUP",
            "name": "HR",
            "identityProvider": "bim"
    "action": "DELETE",
    "targetType": "GROUP",
    "id": "45efee34-2147-4ea9-bc3f-9f88addaaa2a",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "actor": {
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1"
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS"

GroupMemberAdded event

  • Event: GroupMemberAdded

  • Legacy event: accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for a member added to a group in Immuta.

    "sessionId": "5ff64ed8fe0a194b074415a73d4f9201",
    "id": "93e2dade-fd6f-4c13-8274-e9dd843bb990",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targets": [
            "name": "HR",
            "id": "3",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "type": "GROUP"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-01-17T13:32:15.929Z",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-01-17T13:32:15.755Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "type": "USER",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "name": "Deepu Murty",
            "id": "",
            "profileId": "999111223"
    "targetType": "GROUP",
    "actor": {
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": "",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "action": "MEMBER_ADD",
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "GroupMemberAddedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "userIdProvider": "bim",
        "groupId": "3",
        "userId": ""
    "requestId": "e12e42ab-5ba5-54f4-9ff9-61e27c131d6d"

GroupMemberRemoved event

  • Event: GroupMemberRemoved

  • Legacy event: accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for a group member removed from the group in Immuta.

    "targetType": "GROUP",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-01-17T13:27:04.061Z",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-01-17T13:27:03.841Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "groupId": "3",
        "version": 1,
        "type": "GroupMemberRemovedAuditPayload"
    "requestId": "73a295d1-504a-507c-ba6d-9a72f2b34b16",
    "actor": {
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": "",
        "name": "Taylor Smith"
    "action": "MEMBER_REMOVE",
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "targets": [
            "id": "3",
            "name": "HR",
            "type": "GROUP",
            "identityProvider": "bim"
    "tenantId": "",
    "sessionId": "5ff64ed8fe0a194b074415a73d4f9201",
    "id": "5201799f-2472-4b9d-ba5c-db32e06a0bfa"

GroupUpdated event

  • Event: GroupUpdated

  • Legacy event: accessGroup

  • Description: An audit event for a group updated in Immuta.

    "targetType": "GROUP",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "relatedResources": [],
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-12-19T21:18:32.490Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-12-19T21:18:32.767Z",
    "requestId": "09ecbab3-803e-5eff-bc15-b07fcf57260b",
    "auditPayload": {
        "name": "Human Resources Department",
        "groupIdProvider": "bim",
        "groupId": "8",
        "version": 1,
        "type": "GroupUpdatedAuditPayload"
    "action": "UPDATE",
    "actor": {
        "profileId": "1",
        "id": "",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "tenantId": "",
    "targets": [
            "type": "GROUP",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "name": "Human Resources Department",
            "id": "8"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "id": "f4cd509d-587e-4bc4-9c0f-87ca6e122d1a",
    "sessionId": "320b8c29c32ce2407b00e0de98546528"

LicenseCreated event

  • Event: LicenseCreated

  • Legacy event: licenseCreate

  • Description: An audit event for creating an Immuta license.

    "id": "c1a74870-ff01-43bf-8b2e-928b6fccb6ae",
    "sessionId": "bdf4e26e67f4e3ceeb93705b639f8768",
    "requestId": "4c48deb8-4e4d-5705-be82-fae9e165967a",
    "action": "CREATE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "LICENSE",
    "targets": [
            "type": "LICENSE",
            "id": "2",
            "name": "2"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "LicenseCreatedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "licenseKey": "a-unique-license-key"
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-03-08T18:34:30.028Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-03-08T18:34:30.475Z"

LicenseDeleted event

  • Event: LicenseDeleted

  • Legacy event: licenseDelete

  • Description: An audit event for deleting an Immuta license.

    "id": "e7a22a3c-8b08-48e7-a648-3b6946b085e4",
    "sessionId": "0c52d87dd0437dd90b48bfd66e7cf3dd",
    "requestId": "50c29e76-6f24-5a66-9acb-1c298496377e",
    "action": "DELETE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "LICENSE",
    "targets": [
            "type": "LICENSE",
            "id": "2",
            "name": "2"
    "relatedResources": [],
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "LicenseDeletedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "id": "2"
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-03-08T18:38:12.382Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-03-08T18:38:12.457Z"

LocalPolicyCreated event

  • Event: LocalPolicyCreated

  • Legacy event: policyHandlerCreate

  • Description: An audit event for creating a local policy for an Immuta data source.

    "targetType": "LOCAL_POLICY",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-13T18:16:19.643Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "id": "129",
            "name": "Public case",
            "type": "DATASOURCE",
            "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2023-10-13T18:16:19.680Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "LocalPolicyCreatedAuditPayload",
        "policy": {
            "actions": [
                    "rationale": null,
                    "rules": [
                            "exceptions": null,
                            "type": "MASKING_K_ANONYMIZATION",
                            "fields": ["c_birth_year", "c_birth_month", "c_birth_day"],
                            "kLevel": 8,
                            "ruleAppliedForUser": false
                    "type": "DATA",
                    "global": false,
                    "dataPolicyType": "MASKING"
            "type": "DATA"
        "version": 1
    "action": "CREATE",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR",
        "identityProvider": "bim"
    "tenantId": "",
    "targets": [
            "type": "LOCAL_POLICY",
            "name": "4",
            "id": "4",
            "datasource": {
                "id": "129",
                "name": "Public case",
                "type": "DATASOURCE",
                "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
    "id": "761a4044-1dec-4b9b-815f-d83c056ff61e"

LocalPolicyUpdated event

  • Event: LocalPolicyUpdated

  • Legacy event: policyHandlerUpdate

  • Description: An audit event for updating a local policy on an Immuta data source.

    "id": "c8066842-4c90-4b12-a108-232c93a5fe63",
    "targets": [],
    "tenantId": "",
    "action": "UPDATE",
    "actor": {
        "profileId": "1",
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "auditPayload": {
        "version": 1,
        "policyHandlerUpdateAction": "UPDATE",
        "policy": {
            "actions": [
                    "subscriptionPolicyType": "AUTOMATIC",
                    "rationale": null,
                    "type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
                    "accessGrant": "READ",
                    "global": false,
                    "ruleAppliedForUser": true
            "type": "SUBSCRIPTION"
        "policyUpdateType": "SUBSCRIPTION",
        "type": "LocalPolicyUpdatedAuditPayload"
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-02-07T19:26:54.447Z",
    "relatedResources": [
            "id": "1124",
            "name": "Public case",
            "technology": "SNOWFLAKE",
            "type": "DATASOURCE"
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-02-07T19:26:54.478Z",
    "targetType": "LOCAL_POLICY"

PermissionApplied event

  • Event: PermissionApplied

  • Legacy event: accessUser

  • Description: An audit event for a permission applied to an Immuta user.

    "id": "d18cbe70-a620-4ae4-a82a-a24249832e12",
    "sessionId": "86d602c9d57fcc55e103ee7a5fa650dc",
    "requestId": "749dd9dd-e06f-5781-ad7e-91c002ed5043",
    "action": "PERMISSION_APPLY",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "USER",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Deepu Murty",
            "id": "",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "profileId": "999111223",
            "type": "USER"
    "relatedResources": [
            "name": "GOVERNANCE",
            "id": "GOVERNANCE",
            "type": "PERMISSION"
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "PermissionAppliedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-01-09T20:18:53.451Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-01-09T20:18:53.578Z"

PermissionRemoved event

  • Event: PermissionRemoved

  • Legacy event: accessUser

  • Description: An audit event for a permission removed from an Immuta user.

    "id": "51481c15-e40d-419d-b510-bd8c47028069",
    "sessionId": "86d602c9d57fcc55e103ee7a5fa650dc",
    "requestId": "bd789b1a-580f-5d59-a6e0-d805a1464114",
    "action": "PERMISSION_REMOVE",
    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "actor": {
        "name": "Taylor Smith",
        "id": "",
        "identityProvider": "bim",
        "profileId": "1",
        "type": "USER_ACTOR"
    "actorIp": "xxx.xx.xx.xx",
    "tenantId": "",
    "targetType": "USER",
    "targets": [
            "name": "Deepu Murty",
            "id": "",
            "identityProvider": "bim",
            "profileId": "999111223",
            "type": "USER"
    "relatedResources": [
            "name": "CREATE_PROJECT",
            "id": "CREATE_PROJECT",
            "type": "PERMISSION"
            "name": "GOVERNANCE",
            "id": "GOVERNANCE",
            "type": "PERMISSION"
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "PermissionRemovedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1
    "eventTimestamp": "2024-01-09T20:22:02.326Z",
    "receivedTimestamp": "2024-01-09T20:22:02.451Z"

PolicyAdjustmentCreated event

  • Event: PolicyAdjustmentCreated

  • Legacy event: policyAdjustmentCreate

  • Description: An audit event for creating a policy adjustment in an Immuta project.

    "actionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "tenantId": "",
    "eventTimestamp": "2023-10-13T18:33:45.664Z",
    "auditPayload": {
        "type": "PolicyAdjustmentCreatedAuditPayload",
        "version": 1,
        "certified": true,
        "adjustmentSettings": {
            "kAnonNoiseReduction": "Very Small",
            "ruleIndex": 0,
            "columns": [
                    "weight": 33,
                    "columnName": "c_birth_day",
                    "percentNull": "0.035129999999999995"
                    "percentNull": "0.03449000000000002",
                    "weight": 36,
                    "columnName": "c_birth_month"
                    "percentNull": "0.035050000000000026",
                    "weight": 31,
                    "columnName": "c_birth_year"
    "relatedResources": [
            "name": "HR",
            "id": "2",
            "type": "PROJECT",
            "projectKey": "HR"
            "name": "masking(^_^)(^_^)c_birth_day(^_^)c_birth_month(^_^)c_birth_year(^_^)k-anonymization(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)2395a061dd5889e9688ece8cc0e16ee2dde20bb2",
            "datasource": {
                "id": "129",
                "type": "DATASOURCE",
                "name": "Public case",
                "technology": "POSTGRESQL"
            "type": "LOCAL_POLICY",
            "id": "masking(^_^)(^_^)c_birth_day(^_^)c_birth_month(^_^)c_birth_year(^_^)k-anonymization(^_^)(^_^)(^_^)2395a061dd5889e9688ece8cc0e16ee2dde20bb2"