Generic Installation

This is a generic guide that demonstrates how to deploy Immuta into any Kubernetes cluster without dependencies on any particular cloud provider.


For the purposes of this guide, the following state stores are deployed in Kubernetes using third-party Helm charts maintained by Bitnami:

Running production-grade stateful workloads (e.g., databases) in Kubernetes is difficult and heavily discouraged due to the following reasons.

  • Operational overhead: Managing PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch on Kubernetes requires expertise in deploying, maintaining, and scaling these databases and search engines effectively. This involves tasks like setting up monitoring, configuring backups, managing updates, and ensuring high availability. Cloud-managed services abstract much of this operational burden away, allowing teams to focus on application development rather than infrastructure management.

  • Resource allocation and scaling: Kubernetes requires careful resource allocation and scaling decisions to ensure that PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch have sufficient CPU, memory, and storage. Properly sizing these resources can be challenging and may require continuous adjustments as workload patterns change. Managed services typically handle this scaling transparently and can automatically adjust based on demand.

  • Data integrity and high availability: PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch deployments need robust strategies for data integrity and high availability. Kubernetes can facilitate high availability through pod replicas and distributed deployments, but ensuring data consistency and durability across database instances and search indexes requires careful consideration and often additional tooling.

  • Performance: Kubernetes networking and storage configurations can introduce performance overhead compared to native cloud services. For latency-sensitive applications or high-throughput workloads, these factors become critical in maintaining optimal performance.

  • Observability: Troubleshooting issues in a Kubernetes environment, especially related to database and search engine performance, can be complex. Managed services typically come with built-in monitoring, logging, and alerting capabilities tailored to the specific service, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

  • Security and compliance: Kubernetes environments require careful attention to security best practices, including network policies, access controls, and encryption. Managed services often come pre-configured with security features and compliance certifications, reducing the burden on teams to implement and maintain these measures.

Authenticate with OCI registry

Helm chart availability

The deprecated Immuta Helm chart (IHC) is not available from

Copy the snippet below and replace the placeholder text with the credentials provided to you by your customer success manager:

echo <token> | helm registry login --password-stdin --username <username>


  1. Create a Kubernetes namespace named immuta for Immuta and its third-party dependencies.

    kubectl create namespace immuta
  2. Switch to namespace immuta.

    kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=immuta
  3. Create a container registry pull secret. Your credentials to authenticate with can be viewed in your user profile at

    kubectl create secret docker-registry immuta-oci-registry \
        --docker-server= \
        --docker-username="<username>" \
        --docker-password="<token>" \


  1. Create a Helm values file named es-values.yaml with the following content:

        masterOnly: false
        replicaCount: 1
        replicaCount: 0
        replicaCount: 0
        replicaCount: 0
  2. Deploy Elasticsearch.

    helm install es-db oci:// \
        --values es-values.yaml


  1. Create a Helm values file named pg-values.yaml with the following content:

        database: immuta
        username: immuta
        password: <postgres-password>
  2. Update all placeholder values in the pg-values.yaml file.

  3. Deploy PostgreSQL.

    helm install pg-db oci:// \
        --values pg-values.yaml
  4. Wait for all pods in the namespace to become ready.

    kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all
  5. Determine the name of the PostgreSQL database pod. This will be referenced in a subsequent step.

    kubectl get pod --selector "" --output template='{{ }}'
  6. Exec into the PostgreSQL database pod using the psql command and immuta user to configure the PostgreSQL user used by Immuta.

    kubectl exec --stdin --tty pod/<database-pod-name> -- psql -U immuta
  7. Alter the search_path for the immuta user.

    ALTER ROLE immuta SET search_path TO immuta,public;
  8. Enable the pgcrypto extension.

    CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto;
  9. Type \q then press Enter to exit.

Install Immuta

This section demonstrates how to deploy Immuta using the Immuta Enterprise Helm chart once the prerequisite local services are configured.

  1. Create a Helm values file named immuta-values.yaml with the following content:

        - name: immuta-oci-registry
        immuta/immuta-service: stable/immuta-service
        immuta/immuta-db: stable/immuta-db
        immuta/immuta-fingerprint: stable/immuta-fingerprint
        immuta/audit-service: stable/audit-service
        immuta/audit-export-cronjob: stable/audit-export-cronjob
        immuta/classify-service: stable/classify-service
        immuta/cache: stable/cache
        # Each Kubernetes Service has a DNS record associated with it. See:
        # The anatomy of a domain name is as follows:
        #   <service>.<namespace>.svc.<cluster-domain>
        # Where the default cluster domain is: cluster.local
        databaseConnectionString: postgres://immuta:<postgres-password>@pg-db-postgresql.immuta.svc.cluster.local:5432/immuta?schema=audit
        elasticsearchEndpoint: http://es-db-elasticsearch.immuta.svc.cluster.local:9200
        elasticsearchUsername: <elasticsearch-username>
        elasticsearchPassword: <elasticsearch-password>
        enabled: false
        - name: FeatureFlag_AuditService
          value: "true"
        - name: FeatureFlag_detect
          value: "true"
        - name: FeatureFlag_auditLegacyViewHide
          value: "true"
        # Each Kubernetes Service has a DNS record associated with it. See:
        # The anatomy of a domain name is as follows:
        #   <service>.<namespace>.svc.<cluster-domain>
        # Where the default cluster domain is: cluster.local
        host: pg-db-postgresql.immuta.svc.cluster.local
        port: 5432
        database: immuta
        username: immuta
        password: <postgres-password>
  2. Update all placeholder values in the immuta-values.yaml file.

  3. Deploy Immuta.

    helm install immuta oci:// \
        --values immuta-values.yaml \
        --version 2024.2.14


  1. Wait for all pods in the namespace to become ready.

    kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready pods --all
  2. Determine the name of the Secure service.

    kubectl get service --selector "" --output template='{{ }}'
  3. Listen on local port 8080, forwarding TCP traffic to the Secure service's port named http.

    kubectl port-forward service/<name> 8080:http
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:8080 in a web browser.

Next steps

Last updated

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