
Frequently asked questions

How can I ensure the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is resolvable from within the Kubernetes cluster?

  1. Create a pod named debug-dns and spawn an interactive shell.

    kubectl run debug-dns --stdin --tty --rm --image -- sh
  2. Install package bind-utils.

    dnf install bind-utils
  3. Perform DNS lookups on a given FQDN.

    dig <fqdn>

I'm unsure which Kubernetes namespace or Helm release is associated with my Immuta installation. How can I find this out?

helm list --all-namespaces --output json | jq '.[]|select(.chart | startswith("immuta"))'

I no longer have my immuta-values.yaml Helm values file. How do I recover this file?

helm get values <release-name> > immuta-values.yaml

I don't want to keep passing option --namespace every time I run a Helm command. How do I set a default?

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=<name>


How do I determine if the database is accepting connections?

  1. Create a pod named debug-postgres and spawn an interactive shell.

    kubectl run debug-postgres --stdin --tty --rm --image -- sh
  2. Validate that the database is listening.

    pg_isready --host <postgres-fqdn> --port 5432


How can a TCP connection be established without using Redis CLI?

  1. Create a pod named debug-redis and spawn an interactive shell.

    kubectl run debug-redis --stdin --tty --rm --image -- sh
  2. Send a raw TCP message to the database using Netcat.

    nc -zv <redis-fqdn> 6379

How do I establish a TCP connection?

  1. Create a pod named debug-redis and spawn an interactive shell.

    kubectl run debug-redis --stdin --tty --rm --image -- sh
  2. Establish a connection to the database using the Redis client. If a connection can be established with Netcat and the redis-cli command does not return, then Redis could be expecting a TLS connection. Pass option --tls.

    redis-cli -h <redis-fqdn> -p 6379


How do I query the API using cURL?

  1. Create a pod named debug-elasticsearch and spawn an interactive shell.

    kubectl run debug-elasticsearch --stdin --tty --rm --image -- sh
  2. Install package curl.

    dnf install curl
  3. Check the cluster health.

    curl --fail --request GET "http://<elasticsearch-fqdn>:9200/_cluster/health?pretty"

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