Manage Frameworks

Frameworks API reference guide

The frameworks resource allows you to create and manage classification frameworks. System-created frameworks cannot be edited, so create a clone to make any adjustments.




Gets all the frameworks


Creates a new framework


Deletes a framework


Gets the framework with the given framework ID


Updates a framework


Clones a framework


Gets all versions of the framework with the given framework ID

GET /frameworks

Get all the frameworks in Immuta.

curl -X 'GET' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f'


The response returns all the frameworks in Immuta. See the framework reference section for details about the response schema.

POST /frameworks

Create a new framework. This example creates a framework that will tag all columns in a data source with the tag "HR Framework . Internal Employee Data" when a single column within the data source has the tag "Employee Name". Then subscription and data policies can be built to only allow HR to access this sensitive employee data.

Rule limit

Frameworks can have a maximum of 50 rules.

curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f' \
    -d '{
    "active": true,
    "shortName": "HR Information",
    "name": "HR Information Framework",
    "description": "This framework finds internal employee information and tags it for HR.",
    "tags": [
      "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
      "source": "curated",
      "description": "Indicates data that represents information about an internal employee.",
      "sensitivities": []
    "rules": [
    { "name": "HR Rule 1",
      "classificationTag": {
        "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
        "source": "curated"
      "columnTags": [],
      "neighborColumnTags": [
        "name": "Employee Name",
        "source": "curated"
      "tableTags": []

Body parameters

The request accepts a JSON or YAML payload. See the framework payload description for parameter details.


The response returns the framework that was created. See the framework reference section for details about the response schema.

  "id": "9a6bf3b1-823c-4b2e-aef9-570dac6793cc",
  "version": "4e823e0b-8e38-455d-b23c-1f03200d203a",
  "shortName": "HR Information",
  "name": "HR Information Framework",
  "description": "This framework finds internal employee information and tags it for HR.",
  "createdBy": 2,
  "createdAt": "2023-10-19T16:14:39.109Z",
  "tags": [
      "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
      "source": "curated",
      "description": "Indicates data that represents information about an internal employee.",
      "sensitivities": []
  "rules": [
    {  "name": "HR Rule 1",
      "classificationTag": {
        "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
        "source": "curated"
      "columnTags": [],
      "neighborColumnTags": [
          "name": "Employee Name",
          "source": "curated"
      "tableTags": []
  "active": true

DELETE /frameworks/{frameworkId}

Deletes the framework you specify in the request.

curl -X 'DELETE' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f'

Request parameter

Required or optional

id number

The unique identifier of the framework.



The response returns a 204 response code if the request was successful.

GET /frameworks/{frameworkId}

Gets the framework you specify in the request.

curl -X 'GET' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f'

Request parameter

Required or optional

id number

The unique identifier of the framework.



The response returns the framework specified in the request. See the framework reference section for details about the response schema.

PUT /frameworks/{frameworkId}

Update a framework. This example updates a framework to be inactive.

curl -X 'PUT' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f' \
    -d '{
    "active": false

Request parameter

Required or optional

id number

The unique identifier of the framework.


Body parameters

The request accepts a JSON or YAML payload. See the framework payload description for parameter options; partial updates are supported.


The response returns the framework that was updated. See the framework reference section for details about the response schema.

  "id": "123456",
  "version": "4e823e0b-8e38-455d-b23c-1f03200d203a",
  "shortName": "HR Information",
  "name": "HR Information Framework",
  "description": "This framework finds internal employee information and tags it for HR.",
  "createdBy": 2,
  "createdAt": "2023-10-19T16:14:39.109Z",
  "tags": [
      "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
      "source": "curated",
      "description": "Indicates data that represents information about an internal employee.",
      "sensitivities": []
  "rules": [
    { "name": "HR Rule 1",
      "classificationTag": {
        "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
        "source": "curated"
      "columnTags": [],
      "neighborColumnTags": [
          "name": "Employee Name",
          "source": "curated"
      "tableTags": []
  "active": false

POST /frameworks/{frameworkId}/clone

Clone a framework from an existing framework.

curl -X 'POST' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f'

Request parameter

Required or optional

id number

The unique identifier of the framework.



The response returns the framework that was created as a clone. See the framework reference section for details about the response schema.

  "id": "123456",
  "version": "4e823e0b-8e38-455d-b23c-1f03200d203a",
  "shortName": "HR Information",
  "name": "HR Information Framework",
  "description": "This framework finds internal employee information and tags it for HR.",
  "createdBy": 2,
  "createdAt": "2023-10-19T16:14:39.109Z",
  "tags": [
      "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
      "source": "curated",
      "description": "Indicates data that represents information about an internal employee.",
      "sensitivities": []
  "rules": [
    { "name": "HR Rule 1",
      "classificationTag": {
        "name": "HR Framework.Internal Employee Data",
        "source": "curated"
      "columnTags": [],
      "neighborColumnTags": [
          "name": "Employee Name",
          "source": "curated"
      "tableTags": []
  "active": false

GET /frameworks/{frameworkId}/versions

Gets every version of the framework you specify in the request.

curl -X 'GET' \
    '' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -H 'Authorization: 846e9e43c86a4ct1be14290d95127d13f'

Request parameter

Required or optional

id number

The unique identifier of the framework.



The response returns a copy of every version of the framework specified in the request. See the framework reference section for details about the response schema.

Framework payload

The framework payload is used when creating or updating a framework. See the parameters below.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

shortName string

The short, human-readable name for the framework.




name string

The official, human-readable name for the framework.




description string

A description of the framework.




tags array[]




rules array[]




active boolean

When true, the framework will be actively used on data sources in Immuta.



  • true

  • false

Tags object

The tags object specifies the tags created for and used in the framework. It includes metadata for the tags, like sensitivity and descriptions. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

name string

The fully rendered name of the tag, including any parent tags.




source string

The catalog the tag is from. curated is any tag in Immuta.



  • alation

  • collibra

  • curated

  • rest

description string

A description of the classification tag.




sensitivities object

The sensitivity assigned to the tag. This sensitivity can drive the Detect dashboards and monitors.




sensitivities.dimension string

The type of sensitivity assigned to the tag.

Required if adding sensitivities



sensitivities.sensitivity integer

The sensitivity assigned to the tag.

Required if adding sensitivities


  • 0 - This tag signifies non-sensitive data.

  • 1 - This tag signifies sensitive data.

  • 2 - This tag signifies highly-sensitive data.

Rules object

The rules object specifies the rules used in the framework. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

name string

The short, human-readable name for the rule.




classificationTag object

The tag to apply to the data source based on the criteria.



- string

The name of the tag to apply.




classificationTag.source string

The catalog the tag is from. curated is any tag in Immuta.



  • alation

  • collibra

  • curated

  • rest

columnTags object

The criteria for applying tags. Tags will be applied to a column when these tags are found on the same column.



- string

The name of the column tag. When matched, the classification tag will be applied to the same column.

Required if using columnTags criteria



columnTags.source string

The catalog the column tag is from. curated is any tag in Immuta.

Required if using columnTags criteria


  • alation

  • collibra

  • curated

  • rest

neighborColumnTags object

The criteria for applying tags. Tags will be applied to all columns within a data source if this tag is found already applied to any column within the data source.



- string

The name of the neighboring column tag. When matched, the classification tag will be applied to all columns within that data source.

Required if using neighborColumnTags criteria



neighborColumnTags.source string

The catalog the neighboring column tag is from. curated is any tag in Immuta.

Required if using neighborColumnTags criteria


  • alation

  • collibra

  • curated

  • rest

tableTags object

The criteria for applying tags. Tags will be applied to all columns in a data source when this tag is found applied to the data source.



- string

The name of the data source tag. When matched, the classification tag will be applied to all columns within that data source.

Required if using tableTags criteria



tableTags.source string

The catalog the data source tag is from. curated is any tag in Immuta.

Required if using tableTags criteria


  • alation

  • collibra

  • curated

  • rest

Framework reference

The framework reference is the response for many /frameworks requests. See the parameters described below.


id string

The Immuta-assigned unique ID for the framework.

version string

The Immuta-assigned unique ID for the version of this framework. This can be useful when auditing the changes to frameworks.

shortName string

The short, human-readable name for the framework.

name string

The official, human-readable name for the framework.

description string

A description of the framework.

createdBy integer

The unique ID of the user who created the framework.

createdAt timestamp

A timestamp of when the framework was created.

tags array[]

rules array[]

active boolean

If true, the framework is actively being used on data sources in Immuta.

Last updated

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