Integration Configuration Payload

The parameters for configuring an integration in Immuta are outlined in the table below.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

type string

The type of integration to configure.



  • Trino

autoBootstrap boolean

Required for all integrations except Starburst (Trino)


true or false

config object

Required for all integrations except Starburst (Trino)



Amazon S3 configuration object

The config object configures the S3 integration. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

name string

A name for the integration that is unique across all Amazon S3 integrations configured in Immuta.




awsAccountId string

The ID of your AWS account.




awsRegion string

The AWS region to use.



Any valid AWS region (us-east-1, for example)

awsLocationRole string

The AWS IAM role ARN assigned to the base access grants location. This is the role the AWS Access Grants service assumes to vend credentials to the grantee. When a grantee accesses S3 data, the AWS Access Grants service attaches session policies and assumes this role in order to vend scoped down credentials to the grantee. This role needs full access to all paths under the S3 location prefix.




awsLocationPath string

The base S3 location prefix that Immuta will use for this connection when registering S3 data sources. This path must be unique across all S3 integrations configured in Immuta.




awsRoleToAssume string

The AWS IAM role ARN Immuta assumes when interacting with AWS.

Required when authenticationType is auto.



authenticationType string

The method used to authenticate with AWS when configuring the S3 integration.



  • auto

  • accessKey

awsAccessKeyId string

The AWS access key ID for the AWS account configuring the integration.

Required when authenticationType is accessKey.



awsSecretAccessKey string

The AWS secret access key for the AWS account configuring the integration.

Required when authenticationType is accessKey.



port number

The port to use when connecting to your S3 Access Grants instance.




Azure Synapse Analytics configuration objects

The config object configures the Azure Synapse Analytics integration. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

host string

The URL of your Azure Synapse Analytics account.



Valid URL hostnames.

database string

Name of an existing database where the Immuta system user will store all Immuta-generated schemas and views.




schema string

Name of the Immuta-managed schema where all your secure views will be created and stored.




authenticationType string

The method used to authenticate with Azure Synapse Analytics when configuring the integration.




username string

The username of the system account that can act on Azure Synapse Analytics objects and configure the integration.




password string

The password of the system account that can act on Azure Synapse Analytics objects and configure the integration.






port number

The port to use when connecting to your Azure Synapse Analytics account host.






connectArgs string

The connection string arguments to pass to the ODBC driver when connecting as the Immuta system user.




Azure Synapse Analytics impersonation object

The impersonation object enables and defines roles for user impersonation for Azure Synapse Analytics. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

When true, enables user impersonation.


true or false

role string

The name of the user impersonation role.



Delete Azure Synapse Analytics payload

The credentials you used when configuring your integration are required in the payload when autoBootstrap was set to true when setting up your integration. For integration configurations with autoBootstrap set to false, no payload is required when deleting the integration.

Required or optional
Accepted values

authenticationType string

The type of authentication used when originally configuring the Azure Synapse Analytics integration.



username string

The username of the system account that configured the integration.

Required if autoBootstrap was true when setting up the integration.


password string

The password of the system account that configured the integration.

Required if autoBootstrap was true when setting up the integration.


Metadata delimiters object

The metadataDelimiters object specifies the delimiters that Immuta uses to store profile data in Azure Synapse Analytics. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Default values
Accepted values

hashDelimiter string

A delimiter used to separate key-value pairs.



hashKeyDelimiter string

A delimiter used to separate a key from its value.



arrayDelimiter string

A delimiter used to separate array elements.



Databricks Unity Catalog configuration objects

The config object configures the Databricks Unity Catalog integration. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

port number

The port to use when connecting to your Databricks account host.




workspaceUrl string

Databricks workspace URL. For example,




httpPath string

The HTTP path of your Databricks cluster or SQL warehouse.




authenticationType string

The type of authentication to use when connecting to Databricks.



  • token

  • oAuthM2M

token string

The Databricks personal access token. This is the access token for the Immuta service principal.

Required if authenticationType is token.






Required if you selected oAuthM2M as your authenticationType.





workspaceIds array[integer]

This array can be used to scope query audit to only ingest activity for specified workspaces.



catalog string

The name of the Databricks catalog Immuta will create to store internal entitlements and other user data specific to Immuta. This catalog will only be readable for the Immuta service principal and should not be granted to other users. The catalog name may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores and cannot start with a number.










Additional workspace connections

The additionalWorkspaceConnections array allows you to configure additional workspace connections for your Databricks Unity Catalog integration. The table below outlines its child attributes.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

workspaceUrl string

Databricks workspace URL. For example,




httpPath string

The HTTP path of the compute for the workspace.




authenticationType string

The type of authentication to use when connecting to Databricks. The additional workspace credentials will be used when processing objects in bound catalogs that are not accessible via the default workspace.



  • token

  • oAuthM2M

token string

The Databricks personal access token. This is the access token for the Immuta service principal. The additional workspace credentials will be used when processing objects in bound catalogs that are not accessible via the default workspace.

Required if authenticationType is token.



Required if you selected oAuthM2M as your authenticationType.



catalogs string

The name of the catalog to use for this additional workspace connection. The catalog name may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores and cannot start with a number. Users may configure one additional workspace connection per catalog.

Users may still bind a catalog to more than one workspace in Databricks, as long as there is only one additional workspace connection in Immuta, as Immuta requires a single connection from which to control the catalog.




Databricks Unity Catalog audit object

The audit object enables Databricks Unity Catalog query audit. The table below outlines its child parameter.

Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

This setting enables or disables Databricks Unity Catalog query audit.


true or false

Group pattern object

The object excludes the listed group from having data policies applied in the Databricks Unity Catalog integration. This account-level group should be used for privileged users and service accounts that require an unmasked view of data. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Default values
Accepted values

deny string

The name of a group in Databricks that will be excluded from having data policies applied. This account-level group should be used for privileged users and service accounts that require an unmasked view of data.



Databricks Unity Catalog proxy options object

The proxyOptions object represents your proxy server configuration in Databricks Unity Catalog. The table below outlines the object's child attributes.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

host string

The hostname of the proxy server.



Valid URL hostnames

port number

The port to use when connecting to your proxy server.




username string

The username to use with the proxy server.




password string

The password to use with the proxy server.




Databricks Unity Catalog OAuth configuration object

The oAuthClientConfig object represents your OAuth configuration in Databricks Unity Catalog. This object is required if you set oAuthM2M as your authentication type in the Databricks Unity Catalog integration configuration. The table below outlines the object's child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

clientId string

The client identifier of the Immuta service principal you configured. This is the client ID displayed in Databricks when creating the client secret for the service principal.




authorityUrl string

Authority URL of your identity provider.


https://<your workspace name>






clientSecret string




Google BigQuery configuration object

The config object configures the Google BigQuery integration. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

role string

Google Cloud role used to connect to Google BigQuery.




datasetSuffix string

Suffix to postfix to the name of each dataset created to store secure views. This string must start with an underscore.




dataset string

Name of the BigQuery dataset to provision inside of the project for Immuta metadata storage.




location string

The dataset's location. After a dataset is created, the location can't be changed.



Any valid GCP location (us-east1, for example).

credential string




port number

The port to use when connecting to your BigQuery account host.




Redshift configuration objects

The config object configures the Redshift integration. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

host string

The URL of your Redshift account.



Valid URL hostnames

database string

Name of a new empty database that the Immuta system user will manage and store metadata in.




initialDatabase string

Name of the existing database in Redshift that Immuta initially connects to and creates the Immuta-managed database.

Required if autoBootstrap is true.



authenticationType string

The type of authentication to use when connecting to Redshift.



  • userPassword

  • accessKey

username string

The username of the system account that can act on Redshift objects and configure the integration.

Required if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType.



password string

The password of the system account that can act on Redshift objects and configure the integration.

Required if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType.



databaseUser string

The Redshift database username.

Required if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.



accessKeyId string

The Redshift access key ID.

Required if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.



secretKey string

The Redshift secret key.

Required if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.



sessionToken string

The Redshift session token.

Optional if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.



port number

The port to use when connecting to your Redshift account host.






connectArgs string

The connection string arguments to pass to the ODBC driver when connecting as the Immuta system user.




Delete Redshift integration payload

The authentication type and credentials you used when configuring your integration are required in the payload when autoBootstrap was set to true when setting up your integration. For integration configurations with autoBootstrap set to false, no payload is required when deleting the integration.

Required or optional
Accepted values

authenticationType string

The type of authentication used when originally configuring the Redshift integration.

Required if autoBootstrap was true when setting up the integration.

  • userPassword

  • accessKey

username string

The username of the system account that configured the integration.

Required if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType.


password string

The password of the system account that configured the integration.

Required if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType.


databaseUser string

The Redshift database username.

Required if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.


accessKeyId string

The Redshift access key ID.

Required if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.


secretKey string

The Redshift secret key.

Required if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.


sessionToken string

The Redshift session token.

Optional if you selected accessKey as your authenticationType.


Redshift impersonation object

The impersonation object enables and defines roles for user impersonation for Redshift. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

When true, enables user impersonation.


true or false

role string

The name of the user impersonation role.



Snowflake configuration objects

The config object configures the Snowflake integration. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

host string

The URL of your Snowflake account.



Valid URL hostnames

warehouse string

The default pool of compute resources the Immuta system user will use to run queries and perform other Snowflake operations.




database string

Name of a new empty database that the Immuta system user will manage and store metadata in.




authenticationType string

The type of authentication to use when connecting to Snowflake.



  • userPassword

  • keyPair

  • oAuthClientCredentials

username string

The username of a Snowflake account that can act on Snowflake objects and configure the integration.

Required if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType.



password string

The password of a Snowflake account that can act on Snowflake objects and configure the integration.

Required if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType.



privateKey string

The private key. Replace new lines in the private key with a backslash before the new line character: "\n". If you are using another means of configuration, such as a Python script, the "\n" should not be added.

Required if you selected keyPair as your authenticationType.



Required if you selected oAuthClientCredentials as your authenticationType.



role string

The privileged Snowflake role used by the Immuta system account when configuring the Snowflake integration.

Required when autoBootstrap is true.



port number

The port to use when connecting to your Snowflake account host.













connectArgs string

The connection string arguments to pass to the Node.js driver when connecting as the Immuta system user.




privilegedConnectArgs string

The connection string arguments to pass to the Node.js driver when connecting as the privileged user.

Optional when autoBootstrap is true.






Audit object

The audit object enables Snowflake query audit. The table below outlines its child parameter.

Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

This setting enables or disables Snowflake query audit.


true or false

Delete Snowflake integration payload

The authentication type and credentials you used when configuring your integration are required in the payload when autoBootstrap was set to true when setting up your integration. For integration configurations with autoBootstrap set to false, no payload is required when deleting the integration.

Required or optional
Accepted values

authenticationType string

The type of authentication used when originally configuring the integration.

Required if autoBootstrap was true when configuring the integration.

  • userPassword

  • keyPair

  • oAuthClientCredentials

username string

The username of the system account that configured the integration.

Required for the Azure Synapse Analytics integration or if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType for Redshift or Snowflake.


password string

The password of the system account that configured the integration.

Required for the Azure Synapse Analytics integration or if you selected userPassword as your authenticationType for Redshift or Snowflake.


privateKey string

The private key. Replace new lines in the private key with a backslash before the new line character: "\n". If you are using another means of configuration, such as a Python script, the "\n" should not be added.

Required if you selected keyPair as your authenticationType.


Required if you selected oAuthClientCredentials as your authenticationType.


role string

The privileged Snowflake role used by the Immuta system account when configuring the Snowflake integration.

Required when autoBootstrap is true for Snowflake.


Snowflake impersonation object

The impersonation object enables and defines roles for user impersonation for Snowflake. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

When true, enables user impersonation.


true or false

role string

The name of the user impersonation role.



Lineage object

The lineage object enables Snowflake lineage ingestion. When this setting is enabled, Immuta automatically applies tags added to a Snowflake table to its descendant data source columns in Immuta so you can build policies using those tags to restrict access to sensitive data. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

When true, enables Snowflake lineage so that Immuta can apply tags added to Snowflake data sources to their descendant data source columns in Immuta.



true or false

lineageConfig object

Configures what tables Immuta will ingest lineage history for, the number of rows to ingest per batch, and what tags to propagate. Child parameters include tableFilter, tagFilterRegex, and ingestBatchSize.

Required if enabled is true.



lineageConfig.tableFilter string

This child parameter of lineageConfig determines which tables Immuta will ingest lineage for. Use a regular expression that excludes / from the beginning and end to filter tables. Without this filter, Immuta will attempt to ingest lineage for every table on your Snowflake instance.



Regular expression that excludes / from the beginning and end.

lineageConfig.tagFilterRegex string

This child parameter of lineageConfig determines which tags to propagate using lineage. Use a regular expression that excludes / from the beginning and end to filter tags. Without this filter, Immuta will ingest lineage for every tag on your Snowflake instance.



Regular expression that excludes / from the beginning and end.

lineageConfig.ingestBatchSize number

This child parameter of lineageConfig configures the number of rows Immuta ingests per batch when streaming Access History data from your Snowflake instance.



Minimum value of 1.

Snowflake OAuth configuration object

The oAuthClientConfig object represents your OAuth configuration in Snowflake. This object is required if you set oAuthClientCredentials as your authentication type in the Snowflake integration configuration, and you must set autoBootstrap to false. The table below outlines the object's child parameters.

Required or optional
Default values
Accepted values

provider string

The identity provider for OAuth, such as Okta.




clientId string

The client identifier of your registered application.




authorityUrl string

Authority URL of your identity provider.




useCertificate boolean

Specifies whether or not to use a certificate and private key for authenticating with OAuth.



true or false

publicCertificateThumbprint string

Your certificate thumbprint.

Required if useCertificate is true.



oauthPrivateKey string

The private key content.

Required if useCertificate is true.



clientSecret string

Client secret of the application.

Required if useCertificate is false.



resource string

An optional resource to pass to the token provider.




scope string




User role pattern object

The userRolePattern object excludes roles and users from authorization checks in the Snowflake integration. The table below outlines its child parameter.

Default values
Accepted values

exclude array[string]

This array is a list of roles and users (both case-sensitive) to exclude from authorization checks. Wildcards are unsupported.



Workspaces object

The workspaces object represents an Immuta project workspace configured for Snowflake. The table below outlines its child parameters.

Default values
Accepted values

enabled boolean

This setting enables or disables Snowflake project workspaces. If you use Snowflake secure data sharing with Immuta, set this property to true, as project workspaces are required. If you use Snowflake table grants, set this property to false; project workspaces cannot be used when Snowflake table grants are enabled.


true or false

warehouses array[string]

This array is a list of warehouses workspace users have usage privileges on.



Last updated

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